Depok-Stunting is a condition of chronic malnutrition in children that results in growth disorders such as lower height (dwarf) than children their age. In general, stunting is caused by a lack of adequate nutritional intake over a long period of time. In Indonesia, the incidence of stunting is still relatively high. A study from the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2021 stated that the incidence of stunting in Indonesia reached 24.4% or a quarter of children under five were stunted.

East Lombok Regency is an area in West Nusa Tenggara that has quite high cases of stunting. To reduce this number, it can be done through training of integrated healthcare center cadres in recognizing stunting. Detection of growth disorders needs to be done early in order to prevent the risk of stunting. For integrated healthcare center cadres who do not have the skills and knowledge to recognize stunting, they can use simple tools such as nutrition discs.

(Photo: Elsa presenting education about stunting)

Based on these conditions, the community service team of the Vocational Education Program at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) chaired by Ari Nurfikri, S.K.M., M.M.R., lecturer of the Hospital Administration Study Program, UI Vocational, held a training activity entitled “Improving Knowledge of Integrated Healthcare Center Cadres. In Recognizing and Preventing Stunting Using Nutritional Discs in Sembalun Village, East Lombok” in Sembalun Village, East Lombok on August 16, 2022. As many as 25 integrated healthcare center cadres, Sembalun Village Head, Harmini, and other village officials attended the training and empowerment as an effort to increase knowledge and skills in using nutrition discs as early stunting detection and at the forefront of stunting prevention. The nutrition disc is an instructional teaching aid that can be used to determine the nutritional status and health of children and adults.

Ari said, “Many central and regional government interventions have been carried out in preventing and reducing stunting rates, but the prevalence is still quite high. It is necessary to strengthen the knowledge and skills of integrated healthcare center cadres in optimizing government programs as an effort to reduce stunting in Sembalun Village.”

(Photo: The atmosphere of community service activities in Sembalun Village)

Before starting the activity, a pre-test was conducted to measure the knowledge of cadres in recognizing and preventing stunting. After the provision of material and practice using nutrition discs by a service team consisting of Ari Nurfikri, S.K.M., M.M.R.; Supriadi, S.K.M., M.A.R.S.; Nia Murniati, S.K.M., M.K.M.; Elsa Roselina S.Kep., M.K.M.; and Badra Al Aufa, M.K.M., integrated healthcare center cadres were given post-test, as well as practicing the use of nutritional discs. The UI Vocational community service team also provided nutrition discs for ages 1-19 years and pregnant women that could be used by the integrated healthcare center in Sembalun Village.

“Knowledge about stunting prevention and the skills of cadres to recognize stunting using nutritional discs can be implemented in integrated healthcare center when pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and postpartum mothers who have babies and toddlers who come once a month,” said Ari.

(Photo: Ari Nurfikri giving placards to representatives of Sembalun Village)

The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, revealed that the community service activities carried out by the Hospital Administration study program show that UI Vocational is very concerned with the health status of the Indonesian people, especially the suppression of stunting. “UI Vocational continues to strive to provide benefits to the Indonesian people, not only through education, research, and teaching, but also by providing benefits in the form of community service with attention to various sectors, including health, economy, communication, and others. The community service activities are carried out in order to realize a stronger and more advanced Indonesia,” said Padang.

Ari added, “Through this community service activity, it is hoped that it can increase the knowledge and skills of cadres in recognizing and preventing stunting in 31 integrated healthcare center located in Sembalun Village. With the increase in knowledge and skills, it will reduce the prevalence of stunting in Sembalun Village and East Lombok Regency as a whole.”

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