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Vokasi at a glance

Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have nurtured effective global leaders, influenced people, and changed lives for the better.


UI Students Shine at PON XXI 2024, Total of 24 Medals Won

UI Students Shine at PON XXI 2024, Total of 24 Medals Won

Depok-Students of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) once again demonstrated their excellence at the 21st National Sports Week (PON) 2024 which took place in Aceh and North Sumatra on September 8-20, 2024. They managed to add to their medal collection, thus strengthening the position of these ... Baca Selanjutnya
Efforts to Encourage Environmentally Friendly Production and Maintain Mental Health, UI Vocational IWK Held Chunky Bag Making Workshop

Efforts to Encourage Environmentally Friendly Production and Maintain Mental Health, UI Vocational IWK Held Chunky Bag Making Workshop

Depok-The Family Women's Association (IWK) of the Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), has just held a chunky bag making workshop on September 24, 2024. Taking place in the UI Vocational Intraco Room, the activity involving female academicians of UI Vocational in collaboration with Riang ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Students Achieve National Tax Debate Competition (KDPN) 2024

UI Students Achieve National Tax Debate Competition (KDPN) 2024

Depok-Three students from the Tax Administration study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), consisting of Muhammad Reza Nursabaryansyah, Romario Hadamean Azka Harahap, and Joshua Steven Bathry Hutagalung, managed to take third place in the 2024 National Tax Debate Competition (KDPN) organized by the Politeknik ... Baca Selanjutnya
Three UI Students Won Champions in 2024 SMARTAX Competition

Three UI Students Won Champions in 2024 SMARTAX Competition

Depok-Three students from the Universitas Indonesia (UI) won Third Place in the Fantaxtis competition at the 2024 SMARTAX competition. They consist of Romario Hadamean Azka Harahap, Joshua Steven Bathry Hutagalung, and Muhammad Reza Nursabaryansyah who are students of the Tax Administration study program, Vocational Education ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Students Won First Place in National Creative Video Competition Thanks to Animalium Destination Idea

UI Students Won First Place in National Creative Video Competition Thanks to Animalium Destination Idea

Depok-Claudia Sesa and Davina Aurelia, students of the Multimedia Broadcasting study program at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program, won 1st place in the 2024 Creative Design Challenge (CDC) Indonesia. This national-level competition took place from June to August 2024 involving twenty teams from ... Baca Selanjutnya
Introducing Real Practices in the Public Relations Industry, UI Vocational Students Conduct Company Visit to Blibli

Introducing Real Practices in the Public Relations Industry, UI Vocational Students Conduct Company Visit to Blibli

Depok-Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the UI Public Relations Vocational Student Association (HMVOKHUM UI) conducted a company visit to the Blibli office, one of the leading e-commerce companies in Indonesia on September 12, 2024. The company visit aims to ... Baca Selanjutnya
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The Only Student from Indonesia, UI Student Participates in Youth Capacity APEC in Taiwan

The Only Student from Indonesia, UI Student Participates in Youth Capacity APEC in Taiwan

Depok-Fransiskus Antonius Mahendra Harimurti, a student of the Multimedia Broadcasting study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), was the only student from Indonesia at the Youth Capacity and Building Training Model APEC activity in early July (July 3-6, 2024) which took place in Taiwan ... Baca Selanjutnya
Low Financial Literacy is One of the Triggers for the Rise of Online Gambling

Low Financial Literacy is One of the Triggers for the Rise of Online Gambling

Depok-Online gambling that has recently been widely reported in the media, inspired Vindaniar Yuristamanda Putri, S.I.A., M.M., a lecturer in the Financial Administration and Banking study program, Vocational Education Program, University of Indonesia (UI) to educate the public according to Vindaniar's scientific background. Moreover, Drone ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Students Share Their Experiences of Studying at Lancaster University, England

UI Vocational Students Share Their Experiences of Studying at Lancaster University, England

Depok-Laily Nazwa Muslim, student of the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), has just completed her studies at Lancaster University, England, through the 2023 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) program organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Lecturer Reveals the Process of Making Quality Horror Films

UI Vocational Lecturer Reveals the Process of Making Quality Horror Films

Depok-The Indonesian film industry is increasingly writhing through a commendable increase in quality. This is evident from several Indonesian films that have been shown abroad, such as Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts (2017), Satan's Slaves (2017), Jakarta vs Everybody (2020), Photocopier (2021), and many ... Baca Selanjutnya
Strategy to Increase Indonesian Tourism at the Global Level

Strategy to Increase Indonesian Tourism at the Global Level

Depok-"Based on VN Express International data for 2023, Indonesian tourism is in fifth position, after Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam, with a total of 11.7 million foreign tourists. Vietnam is currently a threat to Indonesian tourism because of the many new destinations that have gone ... Baca Selanjutnya
Optimizing Opportunities to Study Abroad, UI Vocational Students Create Robot Illustration Artworks

Optimizing Opportunities to Study Abroad, UI Vocational Students Create Robot Illustration Artworks

Depok-AI-RO, a work of art that illustrates a robot as an artificial intelligence that seems to scan human faces, is a work created by Grace Victoria Brahmana, a student in the Creative Business study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia. This work is the final ... Baca Selanjutnya
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⭐️🌐 𝙆𝙐𝙇𝙄𝘼𝙃 𝙐𝙈𝙐𝙈 : 𝙆𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙣 𝙎𝙚𝙠𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝘽𝙖𝙜𝙞 𝙋𝙚𝙣𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙨 🌐⭐️ 

𝑫𝒊𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘?? Saat ini, akses terhadap informasi dan layanan kesehatan seksual bagi penyandang disabilitas masih sangat terbatas, padahal kesehatan seksual adalah hak mendasar bagi setiap individu, tanpa terkecuali.

Sebagai upaya menciptakan lingkungan yg inklusif, Program Studi Terapi Okupasi Universitas Indonesia mempersembahkan kuliah umum dengan topik "𝑲𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒆𝒌𝒔𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝑩𝒂𝒈𝒊 𝑷𝒆𝒏𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒔" yang akan membahas pentingnya hak kesehatan seksual dan cara mendukung mereka dengan informasi yg tepat.

🗓 : Selasa, 15 Oktober 2024
⏰️ : 13.00 - 16.00 WIB
📍: Auditorium Vokasi UI (wajib bagi mahasiswa TO)
💻 : Zoom Meeting
🗣 : Terbuka untuk semua khalayak umum

Meet Our Distinguished Speakers✨️ : 
🎙️𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐟 𝐄𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥, 𝐏𝐡𝐃, 𝐌𝐒𝐜
(Chair and Professor Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine University of Alberta)

🎙️𝐃𝐫. 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚, 𝐌.𝐏𝐝.
(Ketua Komisi Nasional Disabilitas (KND) RI)


🎯Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk menjadi bagian dari perubahan yang lebih inklusif dan berkelanjutan bagi para Penyandang Disabilitas!!


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Program studi Hubungan Masyarakat melalui Himpunan Mahasiswa Vokasi Humas UI (HMVOKHUM UI) melakukan company visit ke kantor Blibli, salah satu perusahaan e-commerce terkemuka di Indonesia. Company visit tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan langsung kepada mahasiswa terkait praktik komunikasi korporat dan strategi bisnis dalam dunia public relations (PR).

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Pendaftaran Magister Terapan Industri Kreatif SIMAK UI sudah dibuka lagi di Gelombang 3. Catat tanggal pentingnya, yah!

📅 Daftar online: 30 Sept – 27 Okt
📝 Ujian Seleksi: 3 Nov (CBT di Kampus UI Depok)
📢 Pengumuman: 5 Desember 2024

Informasi pendaftaran: penerimaan.ui.ac.id dan simak.ui.ac.id
Informasi program studi: ppvui.id/s2industrikreatif
Dosen Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI Raih UI Incubate 2024.

Hasyim Asy’ari, Dosen program studi Bisnis Kreatif mengembangkan Sancaka - Pengembangan Produk Sancaka Dari Madu Klanceng, Ekstrak Jahe dan Ekstrak Bunga Chamomile Sebagai Obat Tradisional Penyakit Diabetes.

Sancaka merupakan produk herbal karya inovasi hasil kolaborasi dosen dan mahasiswa Vokasi UI, dirancang sebagai solusi alami untuk membantu penderita diabetes. Terbuat dari madu klanceng, ekstrak jahe, dan bunga chamomile, Sancaka membantu menurunkan gula darah serta meredakan komplikasi. Selain membawa manfaat kesehatan, produk ini juga mendukung perekonomian lokal dengan memberdayakan peternak lebah di Banten, menciptakan sinergi antara ilmu pengetahuan dan masyarakat.


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Selamat memperingati Hari Kesaktian Pancasila!

Mari kita bersama-sama memperkokoh tali persatuan dan persaudaraan serta mengamalkan nilai-nilai Pancasila di kehidupan sehari-hari!


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia (UI) mempersembahkan “Vokasi UI Film Festival 2024” yang menjadi wadah bagi para mahasiswa untuk menghidupkan ide, menggugah emosi, dan membebaskan imajinasi mereka melalui seni perfilman.

Vokasi UI Film Festival 2024 mengusung berbagai kegiatan menarik, termasuk kompetisi film, workshop, pitching, hingga talkshow, dan screening film. Tak hanya diskusi dan workshop, Vokasi UI Film Festival 2024 juga menampilkan delapan film terpilih, yang terdiri dari tiga film dokumenter dan lima film pendek, dalam sesi screening di Taman Baca Vokasi UI.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Claudia Sesa dan Davina Aurelia, mahasiswa program studi Penyiaran Multimedia di Program Pendidikan Vokasi meraih gelar juara 1 pada Creative Design Challenge (CDC) Indonesia 2024. Dengan konsep “Animalium Cibinong in a Nut Shell,” Claudia dan Davina memproduksi video motion design yang menonjolkan informasi kunci tentang Animalium, pusat sains hewan milik Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN).

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
🔊🔊 Perhatian perhatiaaann bagi mahasiswa Diploma, Sarjana Terapan, dan Magister Terapan Vokasi UI~~~~ 🔊🔊

Berikut adalah informasi Kalender Akademik yang perlu KawanVoks perhatikan. Catat tanggal pentingnya, yaah!


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
UI CISE bersama BEM Vokasi UI Expo September 2024: Career Fair Terbesar Se-Indonesia!

Career fair TERBESAR se-Indonesia ini siap mendukung langkah karirmu, baik kamu mahasiswa, fresh graduate, atau lagi mencari pekerjaan impian! 🎯✨

🌟Webinar Persiapan Kerja dari 3 September–4 Oktober 2024
🌟LAMAR di RATUSAN lowongan pekerjaan mulai 3 September–31 Oktober 2024.

Yang lebih serunya lagi, 🌟UI CISE EXPO Offline siap menyambut kamu di:
📍 Balairung, Universitas Indonesia
🗓 27–28 September 2024

🌟Stand Up Career Comedy (SUCC) pada 28 September 2024! 🎤🤣

Di sana banyak doorprize keren menanti kamu loh! 👀🎁

Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Ayo datang ke UI CISE EXPO 2024
Kunjungi 🔗 uicise.karirlab.co 🤩

#UICISEHybridExpo2024 #UICISE #UICISE2024 #careerexpo #internshipexpo #scholarshipexpo #entrepreneurshipexpo #virtualexpo #UniversitasIndonesia #UICareerFair #KarirLab  #MulaidariKarirLab


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024


Halo, semuanya! 👋🤩

Program Studi Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan akan mengadakan Kuliah Umum Bersama Bank 2024 yang mengangkat tema:

"Sertifikasi di Industri Keuangan bagi Mahasiswa Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan: necessity or a must?"

Kuliah umum akan dilaksanakan pada:
📆 : Senin, 30 September 2024
⏰ : 12:00 (Open Registration)
📍 : Auditorium Vokasi UI Depok

⭐Benefit yang akan didapatkan :
* E-certificate
* Knowledge
* Relation
* ⁠Doorprize
* ⁠Photobooth

Yuk, segera daftarkan dirimu dalam KUMBANK ini ‼️


Ditunggu kehadirannya!
Sampai ketemu di hari Senin 🙋🙋🏻‍♀️
Departemen Keilmuan dan Karier


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Halo, Sobat UI dan KawanVoks!

SIMAK UI Pascasarjana (Magister Terapan Industri Kreatif) akan kembali membuka pendaftaran pada periode genap, 30 September–27 Oktober 2024!

Pada periode ini, Tes SIMAK UI akan dilaksanakan secara luring pada:

🗓️ : Minggu, 3 November 2024
📍 : CBT di kampus UI Depok

Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan pada laman www.penerimaan.ui.ac.id

#UniversitasIndonesia #SIMAKUI #PascaSarjana 


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Perhatian bagi KawanVoks pengendara roda empat!

Jangan lupa gunakan sabuk pengaman bagi pengemudi dan penumpang. Yuk, jaga keselamatan diri kita!🤩🤩


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Perhatian bagi KawanVoks pengendara roda dua!

Yuk, taati peraturan dengan menggunakan helm berkualitas Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI).🤩🤩


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Indira Fatihah Utomo, mahasiswa Produksi Media Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI mengambil inisiatif untuk mengusung program literasi bagi generasi muda sebagai bagian dari misinya di ajang Abang None Jakarta Utara 2024.

Indira ingin menggerakkan kaum muda untuk memperkuat budaya literasi, terutama di Jakarta. Sesuai dengan bidang pendidikannya, Indira menciptakan program yang berfokus pada peningkatan literasi di kalangan anak muda.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Universitas Indonesia melalui Direktorat Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DPPM) kembali menunjukkan komitmennya dalam menanamkan kesadaran cinta lingkungan kepada siswa-siswi di SDN Sawangan 05, Depok. Melalui program pengabdian masyarakat (pengmas) dari program studi Manajemen Bisnis Pariwisata, Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI, para siswa diperkenalkan pada pentingnya menjaga kebersihan dan kelestarian lingkungan sejak dini.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI menggelar pelatihan manajemen berbasis risiko ISO 31000:2018 kepada dosen, tenaga kependidikan, tenaga kebersihan, dan tenaga keamanan unit kerja. Kegiatan ini bertujuan  untuk mewujudkan program manajemen risiko yang baik di Vokasi UI.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id 


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024

Apakah kamu ingin memperluas wawasan tentang asuransi dan aktuaria? Ayo, ikuti Kuliah Umum Asuransi dan Aktuaria (𝐊𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐀) Hanwha 2024 yang mengusung tema "Empowering Insurance Sustainability with Hanwha Life Insurance". Melalui kegiatan ini, kamu akan mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai industri asuransi dan aktuaria serta kesempatan untuk menjalin relasi dengan perusahaan Hanwha Life Insurance.

🎙️Our Speaker 🎙️
• Alexander Febriano Widjanarko – CCO (Chief Culture Officer), Life Plus Academy 
• Agustinawati FSAI AAIJ ALMI AIIS QRGP – Head of Actuary Department 
• Jason Satria Armus – Head of Marketing Communication, Ciptadana Asset Management 
• Muhamad Akhlul Ilmi – E-commerce Manager

Detail Acara: 
🗓 Hari, Tanggal: Selasa, 24 September 2024 
⏰ Waktu: 08:30–12.00 WIB 
🏢 Lokasi: Auditorium Vokasi Universitas Indonesia 
👕 Dresscode: Batik 

Tidak hanya itu, kegiatan ini juga akan membahas tentang financial literacy, entrepreneurship, dan career opportunities di Hanwha Life Insurance. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini!

Pastikan kamu hadir dan jangan lupa memakai batik! Kami tunggu kehadiranmu! Mari bersama-sama memperdalam ilmu dan memperluas jaringan di bidang asuransi dan aktuaria.



#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
[Kuliah Umum Kearsipan]

Program Studi Manajemen Rekod dan Arsip UI bersama APTIPARI mempersembahkan:

Kuliah Umum: "Peran Kearsipan dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Indonesia".

Dr. Andi Kasman, SE., MM.
(Deputi Bidang Sistem dan Informasi Kearsipan serta Penasehat APTIPARI)

🗓️ Selasa, 24 September 2024
🕒 Pukul: 13.00 WIB
🏢 Tempat: Auditorium Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI

Bagi yang tidak dapat hadir secara langsung, kuliah umum ini juga dapat diikuti secara daring melalui Zoom:
🔗 Link Zoom: https://ui-ac-id.zoom.us/j/99835278101?pwd=U3ZBkoxMSCvyffrkbVhShPH5bc7Pj1

Meeting ID: 998 3527 8101
Passcode: 930342

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk memperdalam wawasan tentang peran penting kearsipan dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan Indonesia. 
Sampai jumpa!


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Registration for the Ul Tax Competition 2024 is officially OPEN!

This is your moment to showcase your expertise and claim your place among the brightest tax minds in the nation. Picture the exhilaration of being crowned a top tax expert, walking away with newfound pride, ready to conquer new heights in your career 💼🏆. Seize this
opportunity to unlock doors to incredible opportunities and tax excellence!

Registration Period:
7–30 September 2024

Ready to embark on this journey? Check out the details and register now at:

For the latest updates, follow us on Instagram:
Contact Person:
+62 819-0604-5266 (Fita)
+62 823-2066-1128 (Bita)

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to test your tax knowledge and compete for the ultimate prize!



#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat #vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
🎉 Halo, Mahasiswa Baru Program Vokasi 2024! 🎉

Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI menyelenggarakan SISI MABA: Literasi Informasi untuk Mahasiswa Baru.

Yuk, hadiri pemaparan materi pelatihan untuk mendukung perkuliahanmu! SISI MABA akan dibagi ke dalam dua sesi. Simak jadwal program studi masing-masing, yaah.


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024

Vokasi UI Terapkan Kurikulum Outcome Based Education (OBE) untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Lulusan

2 months ago

Pelatihan kurikulum Outcome Based Education (OBE) dilakukan bagi dosen guna pengembangan kurikulum d...

Magister Terapan Industri Kreatif_Ucapan Director THE Switzerland and COIL Horse Project

4 months ago

Together we collaborate and work on real life sustainable products. -Eliane Shutter (Director THE Sw...

Vokasi Alumni

Vokasi UI was once their second home. What are they saying?

Photo News

Because pictures are worth a thousand words..

Supporting Wastewater Treatment, UI Vocational Provides Sewage Treatment Plant

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia provides a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) located behind the VB building. The STP is used for processing liquid waste intended for domestic waste, namely feces and laundry...

Optimizing the Use of Energy-Saving Equipment in UI Vocational Environment

As an implementation of the policy of the Director's Decree Number: 75/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023 concerning Energy Conversion, the Vocational Education Program has owned and used energy-saving equipment by 83.81% in...

Supporting Smoke-Free Campuses, UI Vocational Encourages Smoking Ban Policy

In order to realize a healthy campus, through the Decree of the UI Rector No. 1/SK/R/2016 concerning the Implementation of Health, Safety, and the Environment, and the Decree of the Rector No. 1805/SK/R/2011 concerning Smoke-Free Areas,...

UI Vocational Provides Safe and Comfortable Pedestrian Facilities

Pedestrians have the right to access supporting facilities such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and other facilities. Pedestrians have the right to priority when crossing the road at intersections. If there is no crosswalk,...

UI Vocational Builds Rooftop Solar Panels to Support the Use of Environmentally Friendly Energy

The Vocational Education Program has used the Solar Power Plant on grid system, and added power by 10.8 Kwp in 2023. Thus, the installed solar panels will be 25.8 kWp on the roof of the UI Vocational Auditorium building in...

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has Flora Diversity in Various Lecture Areas

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has planted various tree seedlings around the campus. The plants planted...

Realizing an Inclusive Campus, UI Vocational Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has provided public facilities that are designed in such a way that they can be accessed by people with disabilities. Thus, people with...

Free Drinking Water for UI Vocational Academic

  The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student activities.

UI Vocational Provides Water-Saving Equipment

In the UI Vocational Education Program environment, the implementation of water-saving equipment is an integral part of sustainable water conservation efforts. Various water-saving technologies, such as automatic sensor...

Striving for Renewable Energy, UI Vocational Launches Wind Power Plant

  The UI Vocational Education Program in September 2024 has launched renewable energy, namely the Wind Power Plant (PLTB) with a capacity of 4.4 Kwp (4 windmills). The PLTB is installed in the Green Open Space area, behind the Vocational...

UI Vocational Routinely Conducts Facility Maintenance Throughout 2023-2024

The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program continues to strive to maintain facilities, both to support lecture activities for lecturers and students, as well as other rooms for the entire...

UI Vocational Lecturers and Students Plant 2,500 Mangrove Seedlings in Pantai Bakti Village

In order to support the coastal and marine conservation program, students, the Student Executive Board (BEM), and lecturers of the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program, have held a community service program entitled GERTAKAU...

UI Vocational Provides Free Drinking Water for Academic Community

  The University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student...

Fauna Diversity in UI Vocational Environment Through Animal Conservation Activities

The UI Vocational Education Program is committed to preserving the environment through conservation activities, one of which is animal conservation through fish seed release activities in the campus environment. Fish seed...

UI Vocational Encourages Academics to Use Emission-Free and Carbon-Free Vehicles

Based on the Decree of the Director of the Vocational Education Program Number 79/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023, the Vocational Education Program encourages students and employees to use emission-free and carbon-free vehicles. Through this...

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