Depok-Women, currently have a very big role, not only in the family environment, but also in a professional career. Today, women have many choices, such as having a career, running a household, or even both. Most importantly, they can still take care of theirself and place theirself according to their role.

It was conveyed by Mamah Dedeh during the Ramadan tausiah activity organized by the Family Women Association (IWK) of the Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) on April 4, at the UI Vocational Auditorium, Depok. In her speech entitled “The Role of Women in Creating Harmonious Family Resilience Towards a Civil Environment”, Mamah Dedeh expressed her support for all women who are committed to playing an active role in careers and households. “We should be grateful because nowadays women are valued more than in the past. So, as women, we must show that women can also play a role, both at home and in careers outside the home,” said Mamah Dedeh.

(Photo: Documentation with IWK UI and IWK UI Vocational with Mamah Dedeh)

In the event hosted by Mila Viendyasari, M.Si., a lecturer in the Office Administration study program, Dr. Lana Soelistianingsih, S.E., M.A., Chair of IWK UI, as well as other IWK UI members from various faculties and schools within UI.

Furthermore, Mamah Dedeh said that women are allowed to work outside the home with the permission of their husbands and still take care of themselves, and not look excessive. Mamah Dedeh said, “Surah Al-Ahzab verse 33 says that women are prohibited from leaving the house with excessive make-up or fragrance. This is to prevent evil for women.

(Photo: Provision of groceries to orphans and amil)

In this activity, IWK UI Vocational also distributed a number of groceries for orphans and amil in the Kukusan environment, Beji, Depok. The basic food or social assistance is provided by collecting donations from the academic community of the UI Vocational Education Program. A total of more than 50 orphans and amil received benefits from this activity. Apart from that, the orphans who were also invited to the activity were invited to watch the fairy tales brought by Resha Rashtrapatiji—or often called Kak Resha—, one of the storytellers of the Rumah Cerita Anak.

(Photo: Storytelling activity brought by Kak Resha)

Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, said that the month of Ramadan is a place for Muslims to get as many rewards as possible. Therefore, UI Vocational seeks to invite the academic community to share and do charity in these activities. “UI Vocational continues to support various social activities that have an impact on society, including activities held by IWK UI Vocational. We hope that the assistance we provide can benefit the surrounding environment,” said Padang.

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