Depok-Community Service Team (pengmas) Vocational Education Program at the University of Indonesia (UI) in collaboration with the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service of Sidoarjo Regency carried out educational activities “Improving the Quality of Processed Seaweed Products towards Independent Coastal Communities”.

This online education activity was attended by 25 farmers in Kupang Village, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, which took place on November 26, 2020. The cultivators were given entrepreneurship materials as well as a 600 meter waring grant (a tool for drying seaweed).

Vindaniar Yuristamanda Putri, SIA., MM , Chair of the UI Vocational Community Service Team, said that this educational activity was aimed at cultivating cultivators understanding entrepreneurship material so that they could improve their standard of living. “We also invited Dr. Ida Nurhayati, SH, MH, who is the winner of the Kemenristek PPTTG grant as a resource for this training,” said Vindaniar.

Dika Gunawan Siswantoro, S.Pi.,MT , Head of the Cultivator Empowerment Section of the Maritime and Fisheries Service of Sidoarjo Regency, revealed that his party welcomed this program, because the negative impact of the pandemic on the economy had begun to be felt by cultivators in coastal areas. “We hope this activity can bridge the food security program from the government with the maritime economic development program in Sidoarjo Regency,” he said.

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