Depok-Women’s Family Association (IWK) Vocational Education Program at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a mental health seminar entitled “Heal Wounds, Heal the Soul, Become a Happy Woman” offline last Friday, August 5 2022. The activity was attended by Dian Kurniati, S.Psi., Psikologi., CHt., CI as speaker.

(Photo: Dian explains the importance of mental health for ourselves)

Dian explained that mental health really needs to be considered, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, which causes fear and anxiety in the community. “Some of the characteristics of people with disturbed mental health, among others, experience sleep disturbances, extreme and unexplained and dramatic mood swings, and others,” said Dian.

To maintain mental health, everyone can do various activities that make them feel happy. Dian adds, “We need to stay productive, live a healthy lifestyle, focus on what we are doing, relate well to other people, and feel that we can turn to other people for help if we are having a hard time.”

(Photo: Dian giving hypnotherapy to seminar participants)

On the same occasion, the seminar participants also carried out several practices, such as transferring energy from other people and hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is done by exploring painful thoughts, feelings, or memories that are experienced, but hidden in the subconscious.

The Head of the UI Vocational IWK, Dewi Anggraini, said that the seminar was conducted to provide understanding and educate members of the UI Vocational IWK about the importance of mental health. “I hope that UI Vocational IWK members can continue to maintain mental health, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic,” said Dewi.

(Photo: Dewi Anggraini giving a speech at the seminar)

In the future, UI Vocational IWK will hold similar activities by providing benefits to the wider community, not only for UI Vocational IWK members.

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