Depok-Family Women’s Association (IWK) Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program, held a soap and candle making workshop for souvenir on June 16, in the Intraco Room, UI Vocational, Depok. In the workshop activities, acting as a guest speaker, Dewi Kartika Sari, SE., M.S.Ak., who is also a lecturer in the UI Vocational Accounting study program. This activity was attended by all members of the UI Vocational IWK, both lecturers and education staff.

(Photo: Workshop on making souvenir soap and candles with IWK UI Vocational)

Ika said that making soap and candles for souvenirs can be done using various materials at home. In fact, the manufacture can also be done using the main ingredient in the form of used cooking oil. “Worded cooking oil or cooking oil that has been used several times can be reused into a processed product. In addition, other materials that can be utilized are air conditioner (AC) exhaust water, “said Ika.

In the workshop, Ika practiced how to make soap and candles for souvenirs using easily found materials, including oil, caustic soda, paraffin, crayons, fragrance or fragrance oil, and others. Making soap and candle creations for souvenirs can be done at home by maintaining security when making them.

(Photo: Members of UI Vocational IWK participating in workshop activities)

Dewi Anggraini Padang, Chair of the UI Vocational IWK, said that it was hoped that this activity would be of benefit to its members. She explained, “With this workshop, hopefully we can reuse materials at home properly and continue to be creative.”

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