Depok-The development trend of startup companies in Indonesia is still a strong attraction, especially for young people. Based on the Startup Ranking report, Indonesia is in fifth position with the highest number of startups in the world, namely 2,346 startups. In fact, as much as 34 percent of youth in ASEAN are interested in the startup business sector based on data from the 2019 World Economic Forum. To encourage and support competitive business development, the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program has opened a Creative Business study program in 2021.

Every year, as many as 100 students are accepted as new students in the Creative Business study program. This year, the Creative Business study program is holding a Founders Camp Road to Student Creativity Program (PKM) activity with the theme “Some People Dream of Success Others Make It Happen” as a series of new student orientation activities. At the peak of the event which was held last September, the Founders Camp UI activity invited Jehian Panangian Sijuang as CEO of Menantea and President Director of Mantappu Corp. to give public lectures.

(Photo: Head of the Creative Business Study Program, Dr. Fia Fridayanti Adam M.Sc., giving Jehian a souvenir)

Jehian provides an overview of the current field conditions in the business world and the business journey that has been passed. Starting from the creation of ideas, the stage of realization, to creating a business that can survive amidst very dynamic socio-economic conditions.

“In developing a business, basic competence is needed, the ability to consider and take risks, create good branding, also a picture of the business world in the future,” said Jehian who built his business with his younger brother known as a successful YouTuber, Jerome Polin.

(Photo: Jehian shares his experience in building the Menantea Group)

On the same occasion, Jehian also shared his experience building the Menantea Group business. Even though he doesn’t have a business background, Jehian dreams of becoming a successful businessman. He added, “In addition to the business competencies that are learned and need to be owned, the will and consistency when building a business must be fostered within us.”

The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, said that this orientation period activity is useful as a supporting activity to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem that is disciplined, creative, with integrity, and technologically literate. “UI Vocational continues to strive to build an entrepreneurial climate for students. For this reason, we require all study programs to make the entrepreneurship course a compulsory subject so that UI Vocational graduates can later expand career opportunities by opening their own start-up companies. This activity is in line with our aspirations in building an entrepreneurial climate for students, namely by inviting practitioners to share their experiences in building their own businesses,” said Padang.

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