Depok-Students of the Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) just made a study visit to the offices of Visinema Pictures, one of the film production houses in Indonesia, on Thursday (05/10). The study visit was carried out as part of the Documentary Film Production course in the Media Production study program curriculum. The learning objective of this course is that students are expected to be able to use the medium of documentary film as a non-fiction approach to conveying information in a structured manner in the realm of audio-visual arts.

Before the study visit was carried out, during the five weeks of learning on campus, students were provided with planning for documentary film production, such as various types of documentary films, determining the premise of the logline, and how to carry out appropriate research on issues before turning them into a screenplay. Apart from that, students were also directed to create mock teasers for their documentary films. The teaser was also shown in the Visinema living room during the study visit.

(Photo: Study visit atmosphere carried out by Media Production students to Visinema Pictures)

Like a screening, student film teasers are criticized together with the lecturers who teach the course, who are a team from Visinema, namely Wisnu Dwi Pratama, director of documentary films and Aditya Demapratama, director of film of photography. During the screening session, Aditya emphasized that documentary films must have a balanced composition between audio and visual aspects. Aditya said, “A documentary film must be based on a clear message motivation and then presented to the audience’s eyes through choosing the right camera angle.”

Wisnu also added, “Before the film production process, the film making team should already have a strong understanding of the character’s point of view that they want to convey through their work and the film’s point of view will be impartial. This is important to ensure that during the shooting and editing process, the team has a clear understanding of the subjects who will be interviewed more, as well as how to execute the appropriate visual treatment.”

Head of the Media Production Study Program, Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, M.I.Kom., said that the study visit activities carried out by students would provide them with new experiences to experience the working atmosphere in a film production house directly. “The main focus of this study visit is the exchange of ideas and execution of documentary film treatment like professional documentary filmmakers. I hope that students can absorb the various knowledge provided by film practitioners and apply it when they graduate from UI Vocational,” said Rangga.

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