Increasing the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia, giving encouragement to business actors to continue to innovate and be creative in order to be able to survive in an increasingly advanced era, especially in the Covid-19 pandemic period. One way that should be a concern in marketing a product is branding. For this reason, in helping to improve branding capabilities in MSMEs, Community Relations Study Programs, Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia (UI) donated their knowledge through creative content workshops with IT’s Buah online on April 13.

This workshop is a series and complement of the VokHumFest 2022 program that has been run by UI Vocational comprehensively and provides benefits to MSMEs partners. “This program is also a teaching factories for students to hone their abilities in the public relations field,” said UI Vocational Director Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D. According to him, UI Vocational continues to encourage lecturers and students to carry out sustainable community service and has a broad impact.

(Photo: Q&A session between workshop participants and IT’s Buah and other speakers)

This Creative Content workshop was carried out to increase MSMEs knowledge in branding, recognize the characteristics of each social media, and attractive visual material production. In addition, “To get the best practice of the experience of the IT’s Buah as a MSMEs that has succeeded in building a brand through good content. We hope that MSMEs can continue promoting well after the vochumfest program is completed,” said Mareta Maulidiyanti, S.Sos., M.M., Head of the Public Relations Study Program.

In building a brand, there are four things that must be considered. First, it must have the uniqueness of the product or service business, so that it can be a differentiator with competitor products. Second, highlighting personality, excellence, and usefulness for consumers. Furthermore, the third is adhesive, which is the attraction that makes consumers become loyal to the products and services provided. Finally, experience, something new and emotional is to answer consumer needs. This material was presented by UI Vocational Public Relations Lecturer, Dr. Devie Rahmawati, S.Sos., M.Hum.

(Photo: Pijar Suciati shares good social media content tips for MSMEs)

Furthermore, one of the channels used by most of the business actors in building this brands today, namely through social media. For that, good social media content tips are needed for MSMEs by looking at the parameters of the number of followers, the level of interaction on managed social media content (engagement) effectively, and relevant to followers of social media. In addition, another thing that is no less important is selecting social media in order to get feedback and appropriate benefits for MSMEs. This presentation was conveyed by UI Vocational Public Relations Lecturers, Pijar Suciati, S.Sos., M.Si., CPR., and N. Rangga Wiwesa, Ph.D (Cand.), CICS.

On the same occasion, IT’s Buah as a MSMEs who has succeeded in building brand through social media, helped share their experience. “The content used by IT’s Buah is #SehatBerdampak consisting of customer testimonials from real products using the product; Checklist, content of various information for audience; Meme, containing videos or funny photos by looking at the trend that is being viral on social media; also promotions and education about the benefits in the use of products,” said Hamzah Parsaoran Sinaga, CEO of IT’s Buah.

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