Depok-Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a guest lecture entitled “Sound Processing & Presentation in Various Spaces” online on April 5, 2022. Widi Dwinanda, an actress and presenter, was present as a guest lecturer and guided by Melisa Bunga Altamira, S.Sos., M.Si. as a moderator.
In the world of voice and presentation, there are three areas included, namely presenter/MC, acting, and voice over. To master these three fields, it is necessary to practice sound processing and its application. Widi divides the sound processing elements into several parts, namely: 1) breathing; 2) articulation; 3) intonation; 4) dynamics; also 5) power and volume. “To produce a good sound and according to the desired, the five elements must be studied and mastered properly,” explained Widi.
In addition to sound processing, someone also needs to understand how to do the presentation technique. The presentation technique is done to convey what is within to others. To apply well-presenting techniques, the ability to have includes knowledge of material and audience/speakers, expression in the form of facial and gesture expression, and appearance in terms of makeup and costume.
(Photo: Widi explains how the three elements are needed in a presentation)
“Based on the experience I have, both in the field of presenter, acting, and voice over, each has a different presentation technique. For example, when becoming a presenter, I need to understand how the character when presenting a program according to its type. That’s where the application of sound processing and presentation,” Widi added.
In the field of voice over, things that need to be considered are the needs of the voice (covering the type of voice, emotion, and expression) and the character of the video material to be voiced. Meanwhile, in the world of acting, the capital needed by an actor is his mind, feelings, vocals, and body.
Widi added, “Voice, taste, and body is a whole in creating a character in role art. Everything must be trained constantly and it takes time to produce good and appropriate presentation. “
(Photo: Widi shares three tips in processing sound and presentation)
Widi also shared some tips in applying sound processing and presentation techniques in various spaces. “Never be afraid of trying and failing, enjoy the process to recognize, explore and self-evaluation. Also, experiences will also train us in maximizing sound processing and presentation techniques naturally,” said Widi.