Depok-The Record and Archive Management study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), held a community service program entitled “Building Sustainable Education with the Vital Archives Program for Elementary Education in Depok City” some time ago. Located in the Library Building Hall of the Depok City Archives and Library Service, the community service activity focused on socializing the implementation of the protection and rescue of vital archives for educational institutions in Depok City. Approximately twenty class teachers and operators of elementary and junior high schools in Depok City attended the community service activity.

Ratih Surtikanti, M.Hum., as the head of the community service who is also a lecturer in the Records and Archives Management study program, said that the steps to identify and secure vital archives in all formats are important aspects of risk mitigation and effective organizational continuity planning in an organization. The importance of maintaining vital archives as a type of information that must be preserved and maintained with great care can be done with a vital archive program. One of the main challenges is identifying and classifying documents that are considered vital.

(Photo: Ratih presenting material related to the importance of the vital archives program)

Ratih explained, “This process requires careful assessment of the value of the information, the risk of loss, and its impact on the organization. Without proper classification, efforts to protect archives can be ineffective. In reality, many organizations and local governments, such as the Depok City Government, do not yet have a legal umbrella that regulates documents that are vital archives for all work units in the local government. Given the large number of archives produced in learning activities, it is necessary to determine what archives are included in the vital archive category and regulate them in the appropriate local regulations.”

Vice Director of Education, Research, and Student Affairs of UI Vocational Education Program, Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., Ph.D, said that the community service activities supported by UI’s Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment are one of the implementations of the three pillars of higher education with the use of information technology that continues to develop today. “The vital archive program must be prioritized by every organization and government at various levels. By maintaining vital archives, organizations and countries not only protect operational continuity and legal compliance, but also preserve their heritage and identity. UI continues to support various positive activities that can have a direct impact on society,” said Deni.

(Photo: Atmosphere of community service activities for the vital archive sustainability program)

The community service activity was also attended by the Head of Archives Management Division, as well as the Head of Development of Archives Utilization and Services, Regional Library and Archives Agency of Depok City, West Java. Anggun, one of the archivists of the Regional Library and Archives Agency of Depok City, said that this community service activity is a forum for them to convey the problems found by schools related to the storage of vital archives. “We are very open if UI Vocational lecturers and students want to carry out community service activities at our school. I am sure that the archival knowledge possessed by lecturers and students will greatly assist us in providing archival assistance in schools,” concluded Anggun.

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