Depok-Universitas Indonesia (UI) has once again introduced the latest innovation in the form of an educational game titled “Yuk Pilah Sampah.” This game is a collaborative product designed by a team of lecturers and students from the Promed Game Xperience Laboratory (OX-Laboratory) under the Media Production study program, UI Vocational Education Program. The game, which was specifically designed to promote Batik Cibuluh Village in Bogor, is expected to increase public awareness of the importance of loving the environment while introducing Batik Cibuluh Village as a sustainable tourism destination.

Educational Games for Interactive Learning
The launching activity, which coincided with the community service program (pengmas) Environmental Love Education, was responded positively by the Director of the Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D. He stated that the game “Yuk Sort Sampah” can be played on mobile devices and will be available on the Play Store starting October 2024.

“Through this game, it is hoped that the game can become an interactive learning medium for the wider community, especially those related to environmental awareness,” said Padang.

The game allows players to learn how to properly sort waste, according to existing categories, such as organic waste, inorganic waste, and hazardous waste. The game is designed with the background of Cibuluh Batik Village which displays the typical batik motifs of the area, providing a unique experience for players.

(Photo: One form of community service from UI Vocational School in the form of the Sapta Pesona information board for tourism development)

The community service program implemented by the UI Vocational Applied Social Humanities Department is part of an effort to promote the potential of Cibuluh Batik Village as a cultural tourism destination. The Head of the Applied Social Humanities Department, Dr. Budiman Mahmud Mustofa, explained that this educational game is one of the outputs of a series of community service activities aimed at supporting the branding and promotion of this tourist village.

“Since we started the community service program in Cibuluh Batik Village, we have formulated a number of outputs for branding and promotion of Cibuluh Batik Village by installing the Sapta Pesona information board for tourism development, making profile videos, video podcasts, and producing educational games,” he said.

Positive Response from Local Residents
This collaboration was welcomed by the residents of Batik Cibuluh Village, who have been continuously trying to promote local batik culture. Dina Ayu, one of the driving forces behind Batik Cibuluh Village, said that environmental education is very important and needs to be delivered in an interesting way.

“Environmental education is very important to be carried out in a fun way such as through games, so that residents can be more aware of the importance of cleanliness and make Batik Cibuluh Village clean and well-maintained to make it more comfortable for visitors,” said Dina.

(Photo: UI Vocational lecturers and students during community service activities in Cibuluh Village, Bogor)

Cibuluh Batik Village has been known as the first batik village in Bogor City and the center of production of stamped and hand-drawn batik with distinctive motifs such as Truntum Flowers, Talas Leaves, Rain, and Rafflesia Flowers. Each motif has its own philosophy that represents local wisdom and local cultural values. There, visitors can explore nine batik galleries and find various other batik products such as bags, wallets, and clothes.

With the “Yuk Pilah sampah” game, it is hoped that it can attract public interest to care more about the environment while promoting Cibuluh Batik Village as an environmentally friendly and culturally rich tourist destination in Bogor City.

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