Depok-Accounting Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a guest lecturer lecture with the title “Entrepreneurial Spirit: Business Ups dan Down in Retail” on March 13, 2023. The activity which was opened by the Head of the Accounting Study Program, Andhita Yukihana Rahmayanti, S.E.Ak., M.Si., presented Wan Muhammad Hasyim, SE., Ak., the owner of retail Idolmart, Idolaku, and Uniqu retails, as guest lecturer.

(Photo: Group photo of Accounting students in guest lecturer lecture activities)

In the lecture delivered by Wan, he explained about the development of Idolmart which was founded in 2007 in Riau. Before building Idolmart, he had another business, namely Toys Mart, but it didn’t go well and ended up bankrupt. “This is a turning point in my life so I don’t give up and try to get back into entrepreneurship by building Idolmart,” said Wan. He also explained that currently Idolmart has 125 branches and the newest branch was inaugurated last February.

In the guest lecturer’s lecture, Wan explained the quadratics in business, namely Quadratic 1 (have time; have no money); Quadratic 2 (have money, don’t have time); Quadratic 3 (no time; no money); and Quadratic 4 (have time; have money). “These quadratics can be found, even felt by students, to make preparations for entrepreneurship or other jobs in the future,” said Wan.

(Photo: Wan explains the four quadratics in business)

Wan gave the formula for success, namely 9A (action, action, action, and so on). Wan emphasized that in this formula students need to take action. He revealed, “Whatever material we get, the material will be useless if there is no action.” At the end of the guest lecture, Wan gave a book he had written entitled “Bacalah” to students who actively asked questions during the question and answer session.

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