Depok-Data from the Indonesian National Energy Council (DEN) reveals that the national energy security index continues to increase from year to year. Currently, Indonesia’s energy security index score is at 6.57 or is in a stable condition (6 – 7.99). There are several reasons that the score has not reached a very durable value, because the aspects of accessibility and acceptability which are considered to be still very lacking.

In order to take the role of universities in supporting Indonesia’s energy security, the Public Relations Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia together with PT Pertamina Gas Negara, Tbk held a webinar entitled “Realizing Energy Security Through the Role of the Young Generation” online on Thursday, June 2, 2022 ago.

Two speakers attended this event, namely Division Head Marketing PT Pertamina Gas Negara, Tbk., Houstina Dewi Anggraini and President of the Environmental Health Student Association (ENVIHSA) UI 2021 Faculty of Public Health, Edgar Zeta. In her presentation, Houstina said that the Indonesian people currently still do not understand the importance of energy security which has a major impact on sustainable national development.

“Energy independence in Indonesia is currently dominated by the use of coal and oil. In fact, Indonesia is still importing 32% of the national petroleum needs and 76% of the national LPG needs. This shows that Indonesia is still far from the realization of a country that has energy sovereignty,” she said.

(Photo: Nina explains the role of young generation in maintaining energy security)

In relation to sovereignty and energy security, the Long-Term National Development Plan (National RPJPN) 2005-2025 proclaimed Indonesia to be a just, prosperous, independent, and advanced country. One of the manifestations is through reducing the use of coal and oil fuels by 2025 which are converted into new and renewable energy (NRE). In this case, the government has made a number of efforts to reduce emissions from fuel and replace it with NRE.

Several national energy policies that have been carried out by the government, namely maximizing the use of NRE; reducing the use of oil and coal; optimizing the use of natural gas and NRE for domestic consumption; and saving coal through the use of clean energy. “PGN also plays a role in maintaining national energy security through increasing the use of gas as environmentally friendly energy and developing energy infrastructure to supply it to end consumers. In addition, the price of gas is more affordable, also the provision of gas supplies from various sources and in the long term is also carried out by PGN,” said Nina.

(Photo: Edgar describes power sales in the DKI Jakarta area in 2019 – 2020)

The next speaker, Edgar Zeta, explained that the role of the community, especially the younger generation, was very important as an agent of change in maintaining national energy security. He said that many factors affect the importance of energy security for the community, namely first, the increasing demand; second, limited natural resources; third, supporting the economy; fourth, emergency preparedness; fifth, social justice; and sixth, national security.

“The younger generation certainly has an important role to play in supporting energy security. There are many things we can do today and have a big impact on energy security in the future. The culture of walking and using public transportation is one of the habits that can be started to support energy security,” said Edgar.

According to him, community empowerment through a number of socializations regarding energy security, energy-saving culture, utilization of waste for alternative energy, development of NRE, and visionary thinking in the future are also things that need to be done by the younger generation.

The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, said that the webinar activity could have a broad impact on the people of Indonesia. “I really appreciate the students and lecturers who were involved in organizing the webinar. In accordance with the public relations profession in the industry, namely as awareness builders, they can learn how to build public awareness of the importance of energy security which has an impact in the future,” said Padang.

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