Depok-Television is the most highly consumed media by Indonesian people. Based on Nielsen data (2022), TV occupies the first position with a percentage of 82.7%, followed by the Internet in second place with 76.4%. The data was submitted by Dr. Hendy Lim, Director of MOJI, in a public lecture entitled “Development of the Media Industry Now and in the Future”, as part of the MOJI Goes to Campus event, at the Auditorium of the Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) on March 16. This activity is a collaboration between the Multimedia Broadcasting study program and MOJI.

Hendy explained that MOJI was a rebranding of the O Channel TV station which had just ended broadcasting in mid-2022. He also said that the number of new media that had started to emerge made the media industry need to keep up with these developments. Several future trends are predicted to occur in the near future, such as newspapers which will be replaced by digital news portals, OTT platforms which will increase significantly, and radio which will remain relevant as long as people still drive by car.

(Photo: Hendy explains the current development of the media industry in Indonesia)

Meanwhile, TV will remain relevant for the next 5-10 years. This is due to several reasons, namely exclusive content that only airs on a few channels, Internet penetration and availability which are still a challenge, and FTA TV which needs to compete with pay channels based on the number and ad support.

Hendy added, “The core of a media is content. Therefore, there needs to be harmony between content that is interesting, but also educative. Apart from that, media platforms also need to pay attention to coverage in the form of technology, accessibility, and affordability and awareness of the content.

MOJI has several broadcast programs, such as live matches, documentaries, athlete magazines, and others. As a media that focuses on youth and sports shows, MOJI tries to invite the younger generation to get shows that are interesting and according to their needs.

(Photo: Kaiyan describes the various factors that support international broadcast)

In line with what Hendy said, Kaiyan Chen, Head of Media Sales – APAC at the Premier League, said that there are many things that the media can do to survive in today’s industry. One of them is the sponsorship given by the brand. Sports is also a potential sector for brands to carry out marketing campaigns. He added, “In international broadcasting, several important factors are needed to support it, namely media rights sales, broadcast servicing, rights value protection, and rights value creation.”

In the same event, a presenter competition was also held which was attended by students at the Universitas Indonesia. Hannisa Sandi, Presenter of MOJI, also attended as one of the judges in the competition. She also gave tips as a presenter, especially sportscaster or sports presenter. “Several things that need to be considered when becoming a presenter are competence in the form of knowledge, self-awareness, as well as memorable moments that occur in an event that is used as a broadcast,” said Hannisa.

(Photo: Hannisa gives a number of tips to be a good presenter)

In addition, she also said that performance is also important. Carrying yourself with enthusiasm, confidence, and strong personal branding can be the main points of being a presenter.

(Photo: Winners of the presenter competition held by MOJI Goes to Campus)

Came out as the winner in the presenter competition, namely 1st Place, Emiya Leony Karina (Multimedia Broadcasting study program student); 2nd winner, Raissa Sofia Tsabita Putri (Multimedia Broadcasting study program student); and 3rd place winner, Futihat Nurul Karimah (Public Relations study program student). It is hoped that this activity will not only provide an understanding of the transformation of television in Indonesia, but also foster students’ interest in the world of presenters, especially sports presenters.

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