PONTIANAK – On December 17, 2018, Located at the Photo Jamboree, PT Taspen and PT Kemysantra, UI Vocom Digital Clinic (Vokom) conducted a socialization of Media Literacy, Digital Drugs and Digital Crime. The speaker consisted of the Chairperson of the Vocom UI Study Program, Dr. Devie Rahmawati, M.Hum., CPR; Head of Vokom Broadcasting Lab, Amelita Lusia; Teacher of Vocom Practice UI, Reska Herlambang; Founder Jambore Foto, Lim Suriady. The Vokom Digital Clinic in Pontianak was presented in three communities which presented more than 120 participants consisting of high school students, students, housewives, entrepreneurs, health workers, private employees and the general public.

“The presence of the digital world can be both a blessing and a disaster for the general public. This digital clinic is intended to socialize efforts to control the spread of false news (hoaxes), digital drugs, namely pornography, gambling and opium games and digital crime in the form of fraudulent distribution of funds, bullying and so on, “said Devie Rahmawati, who had studied at Swansea University, Wales , UK.

“This activity itself is the 2nd, 3rd and 4th series of the first series of digital clinics opened at Vocational UI, Depok. We will open a forum for consultation, research and community assistance to recognize, overcome and prevent digital disasters, which hold community elements in their respective regions, such as schools, universities and community leaders, “Devie added, who had once become one. only representative from Asia at the PR Leadership Forum, San Francisco, USA.

The three digital socialization activities were opened by Lim Suriady, who said that the losses due to the spread of hoaxes have brought moral and material losses in various fields of life not only politics, but also business, health and education. “Many businesses are down because of business competition, which uses hoax methods,” added Lim, a driving force for the Pontianak community.

The Coordinator of Vocom Public Relations Specialization, Amelita Lusia conveyed empirical facts that the biggest hoax distribution channel through social media was 92%, and the highest issue was social and political at 88.60%.

Wahyudin, Head of Taspen Branch, also said that in this political year, employees really need education about the digital world so that employees can continue to work productively, considering whoever is elected leader, the company must remain committed to serving the wider community.

Meanwhile, Isnaeni, Kemystra’s CEO, said that the community really needs to be helped in order to understand the ethics of communication and to provide services to the public. Often communication carried out in a digital world that is fast and without filtering has an impact on the services provided by industry to the community, which often leads to conflict between individuals.

Responding to the needs of the situation, Vokom through Reska Herlambang provided communication ethics training in the online and offline world. “We need to have empathy and feel what is felt by others, before resolving the problem, so as not to develop into a problem that harms many parties,” said Reska who also works as a presenter.

“Pontianak is expected to be one of the models of people who have strong digital literacy. Considering that after the New Order period, the character of the conflict that occurred was no longer a vertical conflict from the state towards the people but horizontal conflicts between communities ranging from student brawls, land struggles, SARA conflicts, etc., which materially and materially disadvantaged loss of life, “concluded Devie, who was also the speaker of the Digital Nomad workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand this year.

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