Depok, Feb 20, 2017. To get qualified prospective students in each course of study, the UI needs to socialize about the courses that are owned and entry point so that prospective students know more about the courses chosen from the beginning. The introduction of study programs since the beginning of the study program can help get students who really are interested in the study program is not only students who simply choose a program because of limited value.

UI Opendays is socialization programs and courses, the University of Indonesia to the public by providing the experience of being at the University of Indonesia so that prospective students can feel the atmosphere of learning and facilities at the UI.

This activity was held on Saturday-Sunday, 18-19 February 2017 held at the Hall of the UI. This activity aims to introduce all new admissions pathway UI, as well as more focus on describing the program of study by each faculty to the target of students, teachers and parents. In order for all courses at the UI can be understood. The output of this activity is a form of data prospective students who can follow up for UI purposes of promotion and education program at the UI so that the promotion and dissemination of cost efficiency can be improved.

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