DEPOK – The Vocational Education Program produces students who emphasize expertise to enter the workforce. Competent graduates can be proven through their certification. The era of globalization requires graduates who are able to compete with other countries. A diploma is not a competency indicator but a certification that it has. The Accounting Study Program at the University of Indonesia Vocational Education requires graduates to take certification. One of them is the International Certification program held by The Associated Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) with the name Certified in Accounting and Business certification. The Associated Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) is an institution from the United Kingdom and provides certification and academic degrees directly from London’s Oxford Brookes University.

The presence of the speaker Dr. Graham Diggle (Oxford Brookes University) in this guest lecture was sponsored by ACCA with the theme “The Skills Needed by An Accountant Today”. Where this event took place on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 in the Intraco Room, Vocational UI and was attended by accounting students class of 2016.

In the first session, Dr. Graham spoke about automation accounting, drivers of change in accounting, what skills needed by a professional accountant. Then in the next session he spoke about Oxford Brookes University and the collaboration between ACCA and Oxford Brookes University in relation to the BSc program in Applied Accounting

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