Tangerang-On the commemoration of World Leprosy Day 2022, the Katamataku UI Team participated in the Kick Off Campaign to Eliminate Leprosy Stigma and Discrimination at RSUP Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. This activity is the initial series of activities to disseminate information and knowledge about leprosy to the general public, general staff, and the media. It is consists of coverage and national media gatherings, talk shows, national seminars, also the involvement of professional organizations and universities as agents of change.

The event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD-KEMD, Ph.D; Government Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination Program, dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi, M.Epid.; and the Mayor of Tangerang, H. Arief Rachadiono Wismansyah, B.Sc., M.Kes. The Katamataku UI team participated as one of the leading universities to provide education through various works in the exhibition hall.

Works featured in the exhibition space of the UI Katamataku Team, namely (1) Katamataku Easy Brush (toothbrush tool for people with leprosy); (2) Splinting (a tool for preventing deformities of the hands); (3) Prosthetic leg that has a knee joint for OYPMK who has had an amputation from start to finish; (4) Various pictures of hydroponic vertical activities and the manufacture of organic fertilizer for people with leprosy; and (5) Various books on leprosy and anti-stigma campaigns for Persons Affected by Leprosy (OYPMK) (5-6 serials).

The UI Katamataku Team is a joint team consisting of various disciplines from various faculties at UI as a form of the Universitas Indonesia’s annual community service activity. The UI Vocational Education Program was also involved in the team, namely from the Occupational Therapy study program, which was represented by two of its teaching staff, namely Muhammad Hidayat Sahid, A.Md.OT., SKM., M.Epid. and Gunawan Wicaksono, A.Md.OT., SKM, M.Si.

Sahid said that the predicate of leprosy is often attached for life which causes psychosocial problems in OYPMK in addition to their physical limitations. So, it is very important to care, provide support and opportunities, and not to walk away from OYPMK. Then, they can return to carrying out their occupational roles independently. “This world leprosy day commemoration activity is one thing that can show that OYPMK does not need to be feared, shunned or isolated, so the spirit of eliminating leprosy and social stigma must continue to be echoed in real activities,” said Sahid.

The various works of the UI Katamataku Team are expected to provide education and understanding for the general public and OYPMK about leprosy.

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