Depok-Students of the Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) made an industrial visit to Microsoft Indonesia, in the Senayan area, on November 16, 2023. During this industrial visit, students were invited to get to know one form of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), namely Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Generative AI is a type of AI that can create new digital works in the form of text, photos, music or videos. Its ability can translate text into various digital works, for example text-to-text, text-to-image, text-to-video, text-to-music, text-to-code, and text-to-speech. Microsoft itself has been operating in Indonesia since 1995 and shares its resources and learning. This is proven by the breakthroughs from Microsoft in the form of AI, such as vision, speech, language, decision making, and custom machine learning.

Together with Irving Hutagalung, Regional Engineering Lead for Microsoft Indonesia, Media Production students received an explanation about the rapid development of technology and its impact on human productivity, especially AI. He said that Generative AI paved the way for the media industry to speed up work processes within it. For example, improving the color of films with a new interface or encouraging revenue growth through advertising that is more appropriate to the target market, contextual and personal.

(Photo: UI Vocational students during a visit to Microsoft Indonesia)

Head of the Media Production Study Program, Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, M.I.Kom., who accompanied the students on the industrial visit, explained that the relationship between media and Generative AI could be put to good use. Rangga said, “The experience from this industrial visit has provided a lot new insights for students about the overview of work processes in the IT field. I hope that students can take a lot of knowledge from the industry.”

Apart from exposure from industry practitioners, Media Production students were also invited to explore the Microsoft Indonesia office to see the work process in the industry firsthand. Media Production students can also have the opportunity to do an Freedom to Learn (MBKM) internship at Microsoft Indonesia.

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