Depok, Feb 13, 2017. In order to achieve the vision and mission of the University of Indonesia, then Educators (Lecturer) must implement the Tri Dharma College and continue to develop themselves through a variety of ways to improve intelligence and intellectual ability to become teachers who are competent in their field.

Vocational Education in the UI aims to prepare students to become professionals in areas of expertise. Currently there are 11 courses, and other courses continue to be developed to fill the needs of specific skills in industry and government.

Vocational Education Program, which is one of the programs / faculties under UI, has a vision to be the center of vocational education featured in the ASEAN push of the teachers attended a workshop, academic, research and seminars both nationally and internationally to update the materials and teaching techniques.

The purpose of this kegiatam to include educators (Lecturer) Vocational Education Program to present their research results in the fields according to their competence in the event seminar / national conferences.

This activity didakan on Wednesday – Saturday, 8 to 11 February 2017 located at Udayana University, Denpasar Bali. Vocational Program UI send representatives consisting of:

  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo, DEA. (Program Director)
  • Antony Sihombing, MPD, PhD. (Deputy Director of the Program for Public Administration, Resources & Ventura)
  • Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., PhD. (Research Manager, Student Affairs and Alumni)
  • Mohammad Rida, S. Sos., M.Si. (Cooperation Manager, Public Relations & Ventura)
  • Erwin Harinurdin, S. Sos., M.S.Ak. (Financial Manager, Resources, Public Administration and Facilities)
  • Supriya, SKM, MARS. (Education Manager and Head of Program Administration)
  • Sandra Aulia, SE, .Ak. MS.Ak., CA., CPA. (Chairman of the Accounting Studies)

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