Depok-The University of Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program together with the UI Professional Certification Institute (LSP UI) has successfully carried out competency and provide certification tests for 737 UI Vocational graduates in the Even Semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year. Certification exams are held from July to August 2021.

This certification exam is given to all students from each study program in the UI Vocational Education Program. A total of 12 (twelve) schemes were tested in the certification exam, including Public Relations Officer; Perancangan Strategis Kreatif dan Pembuatan Iklan (Creative) (Creative Strategic Design and Advertising (Creative)); Fotografer Madya (Associate Photographer); Teknisi Akuntansi Madya (Associate Accounting Technician); Credit Officer; Analisis Perpajakan Penghasilan Orang Pribadi (Personal Income Tax Analysis); Pengelolaan Underwriting Asuransi Level 5 (Insurance Underwriting Management Level 5); Office Executive Administrative Assistant; Orthopedic Manipulative Physiotherapy; Pemeriksaan Kondisi Umum dan Tanda-Tanda Vital (General Condition Examination and Vital Signs); Pengelolaan Kearsipan Dasar (Basic Records Management); and Kepemanduan Wisata (Tour Guidance).

Chief of LSP UI, Dr. Rahmi Setiawati, S.Sos., M.Sci., explained that there were several new schemes that were tested in this certification exam. “Four new schemes that were previously prepared and have received permission to administer certification exams by BNSP include Fotografer Madya (Associate Photographer), Credit Officer, Orthopedic Manipulative Physiotherapy, as well as General Condition Examination and Vital Signs,” said Rahmi. “For the Orthopedic Manipulative Physiotherapy and General Condition Examination and Vital Signs scheme, which was tested on students of the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy study program, this is the first scheme in Indonesia and has been implemented by LSP UI,” Rahmi added.

The UI Vocational Education and Student Affairs Manager, Priyanto, S.S., M.Hum., explained that in addition to the 70% practical and 30% theory curriculum, certification is also the focus of the UI Vocationall, where each graduate is required to obtain at least 1 (one) professional certificate. “By providing facilities for students to take professional certification exams, of course, it can increase the competitiveness of graduates when entering the industry,” said Priyanto.

“When viewed based on survey data, the waiting period for UI Vocational graduates is less than 1 (one) month from year to year. Of course, this is also encouragement from the certification test program that has been carried out, so that it can increase the competitiveness of graduates in the job market,” Priyanto added.

The UI Vocational Education Program currently has 15 study programs divided into two levels of education, namely 6 (six) Applied Bachelor Programs, namely, Creative Business; Media Production; Tourism Business Management; Archives and Records Management; Physiotherapy; and Occupational Therapy) and 9 (nine) Associate Degree Programs including Insurance and Actuarial Administration; Finance and Banking Administration; Tax Administration; Office Administration; Accountancy; Public Relations; Multimedia Broadcasting; Creative Advertising; and Hospital Administration.

The UI Professional Certification Institute is a certification agency engaged in education that has obtained a license from the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP) to certify UI students. This certification activity is carried out annually for prospective graduates of the UI Vocational Education Program. They are equipped with professional certifications according to their respective fields, so it is hoped that these competent graduates can meet industry needs.[:]

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