Nailul Mona, S.I.Kom., M.Si.

Study Program: Creative Advertising
Expertise: Interpersonal Communication, Communication and Social Relations, Social Networking, Digital Marketing, Advertising


Nailul Mona, S.I.Kom., M.Sc., completed her undergraduate studies in 2012 at the Communication Studies study program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University. During her undergraduate studies, Mona was active on Kompas TV Central Java as a reporter for the Campus News program in 2009-2011. Then, she also served as a scriptwriter for a project at Pyramid Production House in 2011-2012. Until finally, she decided to continue her master’s studies in 2014 at the Communication Studies study program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. In addition, she has also been a Research Team for a project on Toyota product preferences in the eyes of Indonesians and foreigners at Toyota Manufacturing Motor Indonesia in 2017.


  • PS.I.Kom. (Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University)
  • PM.Si. (Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia)


  • 2020, Konsep Isolasi dalam Jaringan Sosial untuk Meminimalisasi Efek Contagious (Kasus Penyebaran Virus Corona di Indonesia), Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan, Vol. 2, No. 2
  • 2020, Pengembangan Kreativitas Kuliner Sebagai Elemen Daya Tarik Wisata Kota Depok, Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata, Vol. 25, No. 3
  • 2016, Contagion Mechanism on Social Network (Bullying on Teenage Peer Group), Social Sciences (Pakistan), Vol. 11, No. 19
  • 2016, Kohesi pada Jaringan Sosial Bullying, Jurnal Komunikasi
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