Depok-Family Women’s Association (IWK) Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia held a Social Service and Compensation for Orphans, Duafa, and Widows in Komunitas Yatim, Duafa, dan Majelis Ta’lim (YADITAMA), Sukmajaya District, Depok on Thursday, April 24 2022. These activities are in the form of fundraising and giving donations in the form staples necessities to 42 orphans, 13 duafa, and 13 widows.

(Photo: The atmosphere when the socialization activity was carried out at the Komunitas YADITAMA)

Also attending the event were all the management of the IWK Vokasi UI, namely the Chair of the IWK Vokasi UI, Mrs. Dewi Anggraini; Deputy Chair 1 (Social Affairs), Mrs. Riana Deni; 2nd Deputy Chair (Education Sector), Mrs. Yuni Herqutanto; Treasurer, Mrs. Eri Priyanto; Secretary, Mrs. Ratna Indryasari; Social Affairs Team, Mrs. Erna Susanti; The Education Team, Ms. Siti Ikhwani Karimah; and the Finance Team, Mrs. Dyah Pahlevi. Dewi Anggraini, said, “In the context of the momentum of the Ramadhan, we participate in setting aside sustenance for those in need. In addition, this charity activity is the beginning of other social activities that will be carried out by IWK Vokasi UI in the future.”

(Photo: The atmosphere of compensation for orphans in the Komunitas YADITAMA)

Dewi also thanked the donors who contributed to charity and provided benefits to the Komunitas YADITAMA. “I hope that this activity can be carried out regularly. Not only during the Ramadhan, but also in other months so that more people share and receive the benefits,” added Dewi explaining.

(Photo: Symbolic donation by Mrs. Dewi Anggraini to Mr. Suko Basuki as Chair of the Komunitas YADITAMA)

The Chair of the Komunitas YADITAMA, Suko Basuki, expressed his appreciation to the IWK Vokasi UI for the social activities held. “We thank to IWK Vokasi UI and donors who have held charity activities like this. Hopefully through this activity, God will bestow all goodness and blessings on us all,” he said.

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