Iman Santoso, S.K.M., M.Fis.

Study Program: Physiotherapy
Expertise: Applied Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Management, Physiotherapy with PNF and Dry Needling methods, Physiotherapy in Patients with Myofacial Pain Syndrome, Scoliosis, and Pain Management, Posture Disorders, Central and Peripheral Nerves, Occupational Disorders


Iman Santoso, S.K.M., M.Fis. is a lecturer in the Physiotherapy study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia. Iman graduated from Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia in 2003. Then, he returned to continue his master’s studies at the Sports Physiology study program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and successfully graduated in 2017.


  • \S.K.M. (Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia)
  • \M.Fis. (Sports Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University)


  • 2018, Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Post Op Rekonstruksi Anterior Cruciate Ligament Sinistra Grade III Akibat Ruptur Di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, Jurnal Vokasi Indonesia, Vol. 6, No. 1
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