Depok-The Public Relations (PR) Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a guest lecture entitled “Marcom for Non-Profit Organizations” on December 2, 2022. Present as a speaker, Suci Nuzulina Qadarsih, General Manager of Marketing Communication of Dompet Dhuafa, provided knowledge about marketing communication strategies carried out by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in today’s digital era. The guest lecturer lecture was guided by Melisa Sandrianti, M.Psi.T, as a lecturer in the Integrated Marketing Communication course at the Public Relations study program.

Dompet Dhuafa is an institution that carries out philanthropic activities for muslims by empowering the poor. “What is the company or institution’s strategy to reach the target market through various types of mediums in various channels,” said Suci in her presentation.

(Photo: Suci explaining the marketing communication strategy implemented by Dompet Dhuafa)

There are three important keys to Dompet Dhuafa’s marketing communication strategy, namely content, amplification, and collaboration. The content in the communication strategy that is carried out also varies widely, ranging from short videos of 15-60 seconds such as TikTok videos, Instagram Reels, also long and short videos on the YouTube channel. The content produced can also contain coverage of collaborations with key opinion leaders (KOL) and the community at creative events organized by an organization. Then, the amplification process looks at the performance of the marketing channels to be used, such as social media advertising and outdoor media (banners, videotrons, billboards), as well as other media platforms, such as news portals, television and radio.

“In creating content, several factors must be considered, such as product superiority or unique selling point (USP); determine momentum; as well as planning a schedule and content to be made. For example, the advantages and characteristics of Amil Zakat content from Dompet Dhuafa are content that tells humane and touching stories,” Suci added.

Furthermore, collaborations are carried out with the community or KOL in order to create non-transactional awareness. The collaboration that is built must have the same values and be in accordance with the organization being run.

(Photo: Question and answer session with students)

Finally, amplification, which is how to choose the right channel so that the message can be conveyed to the intended audience. We can take advantage of digital paid advertising from search engines, social media and outdoor media. “In practice, outdoor media reaches a much wider audience than digital advertising. However, this digital advertising can target the target audience precisely. SEO optimization also makes Dompet Dhuafa appear in the top position in search results. This amplification also plays an important role in making annual reports regarding the achievements and benefits of the activities and programs that have been carried out,” said Suci.

Head of the Public Relations Study Program, Mareta Maulidiyanti, S.Sos., M.M., said that marketing communication strategies need to be studied for students. “The marketing communication strategy carried out by NGOs can be a learning medium for students to reach the widest possible audience so that the targets expected by an organization can be achieved properly,” said Mareta.

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