Depok-The Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a public lecture with the theme ‘Leadership and Business Opportunities in the Regional Autonomy Era’ with Ir. H. Imam Budi Hartono, Deputy Mayor of Depok. Imam explained various leadership characteristics that can be developed by the young generation, as well as how regional autonomy affects the business world in a city. The public lecture was held online on Saturday (5/6).

Istiadi, S.E., M.M., M.Si, Head of the Office Administration Study Program, said that leadership and entrepreneurship are some of the aspects emphasized in UI Vocational. “We have courses that hone leadership and entrepreneurship. It is hoped that vocational graduates will not only get great jobs, but also can create jobs, and contribute to the city/regency where they lived,” said Istiadi. Furthermore, Istiadi said that the presence of Ir. H. Imam Budi Hartono is expected can motivate students to play an active role in the environment.

In the presentation, Imam stated that Law no. 32 of 2004 contains the notion of regional autonomy, namely the transfer of government authority from the central government to autonomous regions. “Local governments are given the authority to administer and regulate but remain within the system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. To run a good regional autonomy government, it is necessary to adhere to the basic values of decentralization, namely freedom, participation, as well as effectiveness and efficiency,” he said.

To create a good local government, four leadership characters need to be possessed in the regional autonomy era, namely Intelligence, Transparency, Trustworthiness, and Honest. “Intelligence will make leaders develop a clear vision and mission that they can be put into good regulations, Transparency will uphold Public Information Openness, Trustworthiness by carrying out all work programs properly and responsibly, and lastly, being Honest, working for the benefit of society and put aside the interests of self and groups,” said Imam.

Then, Imam explained that since Law no. 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, provides an opportunity for every Indonesian citizen to become a leader, starting as a leader at the campus level or the level of a city or district, province, even becoming a leader in Indonesia, namely as a president.

In addition, Imam encourages students to recognize and understand business opportunities in the era of regional autonomy. “Students as potential leaders are expected to be sensitive to city/district problems and capture them as business opportunities. Depok City, for example, with a population of more than 2 million, has great potential for business opportunities in the future. Especially in the era of decentralized regional autonomy so that cities/regencies can innovate according to the potential of their respective regions,” said Imam.

In the end, Istiadi explained that the collaboration with the Depok City Government is also expected to continue to be established both in the process of internships, teaching, research, and also community empowerment. “We continue to improve our cooperation as a link and match for vocational education with the government, as well as the world business industry (DUDI),” said Istiadi.

It was welcomed by Imam, who sincerely hoped that UI Vocational students could contribute and work together in creating an advanced and better Depok City. “I’m waiting for fresh ideas from UI Vocational students,” he said at the end of the public lecture at the UI Vocational Program.[:]

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