Depok-Department of Applied Humanities Social Sciences, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a Creative Thinking Workshop “Sharing Stories Through Work” on May 10, 2023 at the UI Vocational Auditorium. The workshop activity presented Ario Anindito, Professional Comic Artist and Maman Suherman, Literacy Activist and Writer. This activity is a form of academic collaboration with JNE, which is UI Vocational cooperation partner. The workshop activities were aimed at UI Vocational academics, both students, lecturers, and education staff.

Eri Palgunadi, Vice President of Marketing for JNE, was also present to give a speech. In his remarks, he said that currently the collaboration between a brand and a campus can continue to expand. “One of the collaborative programs that can be built is a brand entering the campus environment,” said Eri.

(Photo: Discussion between resource persons and participants in the Creative Thinking workshop Sharing Stories Through Work)

Currently, technological developments are increasingly sophisticated with the presence of social media. The content that is present is increasingly diverse, audio, visual, and or both. This was conveyed by Ario Anindito in the workshop. Ario said, “Creating content needs to be accompanied by creative ideas. Now, content produced by someone can have many benefits, both engagement and material.”

Ario Anindito is a professional comic artist who has made a career in the international arena. His name sticks out in various comics owned by DC and Marvel companies as an illustrator. Some of the projects underway include “Secret Empire”, “Star Wars: The High Republic”, “Star Wars: Obi-Wan”, “Atlantis Attack”, and others.

(Photo: Ario tells his experience of becoming a comic artist)

At the workshop, Ario gave a number of tips for audiences who want to develop their imagination into visual form. “In creating a work, several things are needed, such as the message to be conveyed, a mature concept, and adjustments to current trends,” said Ario.

In line with what was conveyed by Ario, Maman Suherman who is a writer, conveyed his experience from the point of view of writing content. According to him, there are several keys to writing, namely 5S (Read, Research, Review, Recycle, and Reflect) and 5W+1H (Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How).

(Photo: Maman explains the writing keys are 5R and 5W+1H)

Maman said, “When writing, originality is the main thing that needs attention. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look for references from other people’s writings. Imagination or ideas can emerge if we explore it through reading. Thus, reading is the main key in the beginning of writing.

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