BOGOR – Every parent desires a healthy, smart and independent child. One of them is the ability to speak and read. Reading ability can be taught since children can be invited to interact by their parents long before they reach the age of school education. That is through a method that is able to stimulate an increase in children’s intelligence memory capacity. The principle is that the method is part of the usual way of playing parents to children. Children are invited to play by giving a minimum of 5 vocabulary per day, which is visualized in the form of letters, images and colors in a flashcard. This method successfully encourages children’s reading and speaking skills faster than they should.
This word teaching training (8/9) was given in the UI Peduli Action for school teachers and parents of Setusari Village residents and surrounding areas in Cileungsi Bogor. The teaching method, which was welcomed by enthusiastic residents, was also proven to be effectively given to disabled children as explained by Titi from the Edsel and Friends Community. “I tried to apply to Edsel my child who was disabled and he finally had good vocabulary skills, was quick to learn and had intelligence above average,” said Titi, the resource person and Edsel’s parents, the author of the My Wings of Life book.
The event was more lively and greeted with great fanfare because the Alms Book Community also participated in funtastic fables for children and donated hundreds of children’s books and toys for the establishment of a reading and children’s playground in the Heesu Orphanage which UI Peduli initiated. “Reading park is an effective medium to attract further children’s reading interest, ”said Hermito, a UI lecturer who is also a disabled child occupational therapist. The same thing was also conveyed by Rahmi Setiawati, UI lecturer, the entrepreneur of Lapas Cikarang community entrepreneur who also contributed the creation of prisoners in the form of educational toys, “Learning and playing are inseparable and important to increase children’s creativity from an early age,” said Rahmi.
UI Peduli collaborates with synergistic partners including Edsel and Friends Community, Sedekah Buku Community, Dare Prostethic Ordhontic and Weny Wibawa Foundation. Given the importance of the problem of education for disabled children, Adithya Denny Chair of Action who is also a physiotherapist, said that in the future his team would hold more training for the wider community.
At the end of the event session, UI Peduli’s Action also assisted the institutional archival management which was carried out professionally by the UI Vocational MID study program archive, which was commanded by Ratih Surtikanti. “Archive management is very important to support the operations of the institution because it can help document all the activities of the organization better,” concluded Ratih.