Depok-Tsamara Safira and Rahel Sriwahyuni Sinaga, students of the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), together with the South Jakarta City Administration Government, and Plastic Pay held the “Cilife Eco Care” program, namely waste management socialization with the theme “Managing Your Waste, Saving the Sustainability of Life”. This program, which was the idea of the two UI students, has passed to the program implementation or Idea Validation stage in the 2023 Voice of Youth Challenge (VYC) competition.

At an event held at the Flamboyan Child-Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA), Tebet, South Jakarta, Thursday (23/11/2023), Dropbox Plastic Pay was handed over as a facility for the community to implement waste management, especially plastic waste. The event was opened by Dyan Erlanggga, Tebet Subdistrict Head, and Puji Hastuti, Environmental Development Section, South Jakarta Administrative City Government.

(Photo: Waste management socialization activities at Flamboyan RPTRA, Tebet, South Jakarta)

Tsamara explained that this activity marked a concrete step in implementing the “Cilife Eco Care” program, a comprehensive project that aims to redefine waste management along the Ciliwung River for a sustainable future. “The Flamboyan RPTRA is a strategic event venue to involve the people of South Jakarta, especially the area crossed by the Ciliwung River. This event was held in response to the challenge of the Voice of Youth Challenge 2023 competition which encourages the implementation of campaign ideas for handling plastic waste,” said Tsamara.

Meanwhile, Rahel explained that the collaboration between UI Vocational students with Plastic Pay and the South Jakarta City Government was a pentahelix or multi-party collaborative effort in waste management. This activity was attended by communities in the Tebet District environment, from the Family Welfare Movement (PKK) to the local Karang Taruna. Rahel added, “The problem of waste, especially plastic waste, needs to be resolved together. So, collaboration like this is what is needed.”

(Photo: Inauguration of a rubbish dropbox for the local community in collaboration with UI Vocational Students, South Jakarta City Government and Plastic Pay)

The event was attended by more than 90 participants from Karang Taruna, PKK, Dasa Wisma, Jumantik and representatives from various sub-districts in Tebet District. On this occasion, the public was also given an explanation about the importance of waste management delivered by Andy Bahari, Leader of World Clean Up Day Indonesia.

Dyan said that Jakarta will become a Global City in 2024. So, knowledge and awareness about waste management is really needed by the community. “Global City is a city that serves every line of life in it. One of them is city cleanliness which can create a healthy society. I appreciate the enthusiasm of the students and all parties present here,” said Dyan.

(Photo: UI Vocational Students who successfully organized a waste management program with the community)

The 2023 VYC Competition is an innovation competition program with the aim of generating ideas or program ideas or campaigns that are innovative, creative and solutions in solving problems and building public awareness of the importance of a healthy and prosperous life and maintaining environmental sustainability. In holding this year’s VYC, the Universitas Indonesia through the Center for Innovative and Governance (CIGO) Faculty of Administrative Sciences collaborated with DANONE to open opportunities for Associate Degree, Applied Bachelor, and Bachelor students throughout Indonesia to participate in the competition through two competition categories, namely the health category with the theme ‘Hydration Conscious’ and the green environment category with the theme ‘Waste Management’. Tsamara and Rahel are included in the green environmental category.

Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, said that UI Vocational continues to strive to provide space and support students who are enthusiastic about carrying out the three pillars of higher education, namely competing and doing community service. “UI Vocational has a mission to provide a real positive impact on society. So, we really support various community service activities carried out by students and lecturers. Regarding waste management, UI Vocational has also implemented waste sorting and provided a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) in collaboration with Plasticpay in the UI Vocational Canteen area since 2022,” said Padang.

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