Depok-Beauty products have become one of the necessities for women. Various cosmetic brands are increasingly emerging, both local and international brands. Based on a Populix survey in 2022, Indonesian consumers’ preference for local brand cosmetics is quite high. As many as 54% of 500 Indonesian women admitted to preferring local brands for their cosmetics. This phenomenon caught the attention of University of Indonesia (UI) students when they participated in a marketing plan competition and made it an idea for brand activation innovation for one of the local cosmetic brands. Futihat Nurul Karimah (student of the Vocational Education Program), together with Karin Ardelia Latifah Pranowo (student of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences) and Ranu Panamkarana (student of the Faculty of Economics and Business) who are members of the Blackping Pasming team, participated in the Marketing Plan Competition held by Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta and succeeded in getting the Best Presentation predicate.

The competition, which was held online throughout July 2024, was attended by various universities in Indonesia. Futihat said that she and her team wanted to develop their potential and try new things through collaboration of knowledge from each faculty through the marketing plan competition. “We, who come from high school, together combine the knowledge we have to form a marketing plan. Through local cosmetic brands that are popular with Indonesian women, we strive to increase brand awareness of the brand by utilizing the unique selling points of the product,” explained Futihat.

(Photo: The Blackping Pasming Team won Best Presentation in the marketing plan competition)

With the theme of Beauty Heritage Cosmetic, the Blackpink Pasming team wants to introduce and celebrate Indonesian beauty that has been passed down from one generation to the next through the local cosmetic brand. Some of the marketing strategies created include collaboration with influencers, social media challenges, campus roadshows, exclusive products, and video campaigns.

The marketing strategy also involves many parties, from communities, beauty doctors, influencers, to artists and media to develop brand awareness of the cosmetic brand. In addition, the use of technology and social media is one of the main strategies of marketing that Futihat and the team want to do.

UI Vocational Education Program Director, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, strongly supports the inter-faculty collaboration carried out by Futihat, Karin, and Ranu. The achievements achieved by the three are a form of synergy from various disciplines that can be developed and have the potential to have a positive impact on society. “UI continues to strive to invite students from various study programs and faculties to produce innovations or works that are beneficial to society, considering that currently it is an era of collaboration from various industries and disciplines. We are waiting for other collaborations, both from students and lecturers, to continue to make the name of UI alma mater and the Indonesian nation proud,” concluded Padang.

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