Depok-Four students from the Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), namely Rifqi Raditya Dewangga, Bella Maedevia, Dani Bintang Aprilyanto, and Fikri Hasan, have just taken part in the 2023 Indonesia Game Developer eXchange (IGDX) activity which was held on October 11-13, 2023 at The Stones Hotel, Bali. They had the opportunity to become delegates from Extra Life Entertainment, one of the UI Vocational cooperation partners, where they carried out the Freedom to Learn (MBKM) internship program.

IGDX 2023 is an accelerator program organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information in collaboration with the Indonesian Game Association (AGI) on an annual basis to increase the capabilities of Indonesian game developers. This event also opened up access and opportunities in the form of funding as well as partnership opportunities with various gaming world activists in Indonesia.

On this occasion, UI Vocational students became stand guides to introduce games brought by Extra Life Entertainment. Some of these games are StellaGale, One Last Journey, and Great Marble Adventure. They provide descriptions, characters, and how to play the game to visitors who are game developers, public visitors, publishers, and others.

(Photo: UI Vocational Students at the IGDX 2023 booth)

Rifqi said that his participation with other students provided a pleasant experience, especially when they had the opportunity to try various games from other game developers. “We hope that this IGDX event will be a motivation for us to make fun games with different genres. Apart from that, we also want to develop the potential gained during our internship at Extra Life Entertainment,” said Rifqi.

The four of UI Vocational students did the MBKM internship program at Extra Life Entertainment for approximately one semester. They interned as game developers for various games at Extra Life Entertainment. During their internship, they were guided by industry mentors, namely Duray Philip, M.T. who is also a lecturer in the Media Production study program.

(Photo: Rifqi trying games from other companies)

Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, M.I.Kom., Head of the Media Production Study Program, said that the internship program carried out by students will provide a lot of insight and direct experience in the industry. “In the gaming sector, one of the job prospects that you will have is a game developer. I am sure that Media Production students will become skilled game developers and have industry standard abilities. I hope that the knowledge gained from the internship program will be a provision for them when they enter the gaming industry,” explained Rangga.

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