As a form of Higher Education Tridharma, Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia through the Accounting Study Program carries out Community Service by helping more than 20 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the city of Depok. The “UMKM Grades Up” program is run by Accounting study program students through a number of activities and lessons to support financial recording to a more professional level of management.

This Community Service involves fourth-semester students accompanied by lecturers and UMKM actors themselves. The UMKM Graduation Program helps MSME entrepreneurs produce financial reports, tax reports, cost of goods sold and budget reports, business process evaluations and build simple databases for MSMEs. This program has been implemented every semester since 2018 as part of the curriculum, namely 15 credits for various types of MSMEs ranging from food, handicraft and service businesses.

Head of the Accounting Laboratory, Andhita Yukihana Rahmayanti, SE., Ak., M.Si., CA., CPA ,. said, “We are working with the Depok Creative Industry Association Community (AIKD) in sorting out the industries that will be fostered this semester. Some of the MSMEs that are fostered include: Uniq Kids Growth and Development Clinic, Boombaso, Miekanghen, Salzi Bakery, Dwajie Coffee, This Coffee and Fulcaff. In addition, we are also partnering with KPP Pratama Depok Sawangan to make the Business Development Service program a success which was launched on 11 February 2019. The 2019 Community Service has been going on from February to May 2019. In total, we have built 40 MSMEs last year. ” Furthermore, Yuki added that this program is expected to help MSMEs be more professional in their management and become real practice for students in the process of recording UMKM finances. ”

Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia is committed to preparing graduates according to industry needs so that since college they have been involved in real jobs. In the Accounting study program, UI has a graduate waiting period of less than one month. In addition to the experience gained during college, students are also equipped with national level professional certifications such as from the National Professional Certification Agency and international certification in accounting.

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