Vocational education in Indonesia is one part of the higher education mandate stated in the national education law.
The development and strengthening of science, technology and national culture can only be done through paradigm changes and an integrated education system that synergies with the needs of the Indonesian people and industry.
The concentration of the education curriculum created will be developed from social concern for the environment around us.
Among them by providing the widest possible access to education for the people of Indonesia, including attending higher education and other forms of education.
The Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia has put itself in the best place, by preparing for the challenges that will be faced in the next 5 years where the challenges are much different from the past.
Hope Vocational UI will become a flag carrier for vocational education in Indonesia and become a pioneer that prioritizes the abilities of its graduates with an industry that continues to prioritize professionalism, intellectuality and national character building.
UI Vocational Vision is to become a leading institution in ASEAN and enable its graduates to compete well, for that the curriculum developed will be the strongest foundation by applying applied technology by making breakthroughs in appropriate curriculum and skill based competency.
The hope of “building vocational training to be more professional and producing graduates who are competent in their fields”, makes enthusiasm for the entire academic community of p
Vocational programs build good, transparent, accountable governance and create independence which can ultimately improve the quality of every product we produce and can contribute to the nation.
Salam Vokasi Profesional
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo, DEA.