Depok-Positive image is an important thing and needs to be done by a company. There are several strategies that can help increase positive image, one of which is corporate social responsibility (CSR). The CSR strategy is carried out by a company as a form of responsibility to stakeholders and the wider community to improve well-being and have a positive impact on the environment. Therefore, the Public Relations Study Program, Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a gues lecturer entitled “Corporate Social Campaign Base Practice: JNE Sharing Session” on April 6, 2022 online. The lecture invited Eri Palgunadi, Vice President of Marketing JNE, as a speaker and guided Wida Septarina, S.S., M.Si. as moderator.

Eri explained that JNE as a logistics company, conducted a social campaign strategy through three programs, namely education, sustainability of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and the health and handling of Covid-19. “We collaborate with many private companies to increase SMEs in Indonesia in the form of workshops, collaborations, providing platforms, and others. It is a form of our support for people who want to develop their brands. We hope that SMEs in Indonesia continue to grow and create jobs for many people,” Eri explained.

(Photo: Eri explains the strategy of the company’s social campaign)

JNE has held various collaborative programs with SMEs in Indonesia, for example JNE X Brand Adventure Indonesia, JNE X Benings, JNE X ZOYA, JNE X Mandjha by Ivan Gunawan, and others. Also, the procurement of platforms such as Pesanan Oleh-oleh Nusantara (Pesona) and Jemput ASI Seketika (JESIKA), is also a form of JNE’s social campaign that has a broad impact on the community.

Eri added, “In education, we also conduct social campaigns in the form of donation, scholarships, and others. We also collaborated with educational platforms such as Ruanggungu for increasing education in Indonesia.”

Last, social campaigns in the health sector are also carried out by JNE, namely the help of oxygen tubes for patients with Covid-19, donation, and other health assistance.

(Photo: Eri explains several brands that have collaborated with JNE)

“The most important thing to do is to make a positive image for the community, especially consumers. Through social campaigns, the community will see the human side of a company. So, the community will provide a reaction in the form of empathy and trust in the company,” said Eri.

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