Bandung – The University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program (Vokasi UI) Community Service Team held Community Service (Pengmas) in the Zero Kilometer Area of the Citarum River. This activity was carried out precisely in Taruma Jaya Village, Bandung Regency, Saturday, (29/09/2018).

In this activity, the UI Community Service team formed the Anti-Waste Pollutant Eradication Group (KASEP) as well as an action to clean the river. In addition, it also provides training on processing freshwater green algae ( Chara Sp .) into compost for the community and members of the Citarum Harum Task Force as an effort to revitalize the Citarum Watershed (DAS).

No less than 70 residents around the Citarum Watershed attended the UI Vocational Community Service training. In addition to the use of Green Algae, training on composting and website-based reporting was also provided.

Deni Danial Kesa Ph.D, Chair of the UI Vocational Community Service said, this initiative departed from the direction of the Indonesian President’s Regulation so that academics could play a role in revitalizing the Citarum watershed. For this reason, by applying the social intervention method, they promote the program, namely KASEP and workshops on processing algae into compost.

“In the training, we also educate the public to be able to segregate waste and detect sources of water pollutants. We hope that there will be a continuation of the campaign so that it will change people’s habits, especially a change in mindset or thinking paradigm, including in waste management,” said Deni.

This Community Service activity is a form of support from UI Vocational academics for Government programs related to the Acceleration of Pollution Control and Damage to the Citarum Watershed. It is hoped that this program will be able to restore the Citarum watershed and become part of the participation of academics in producing innovations for controlling the Citarum watershed.

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