Depok-Dropping out of school is a phenomenon that still happens a lot in Indonesia. Although the number of children dropping out of school has tended to decline over the past six years, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) report states that there will be 75,303 children who have dropped out of school in 2021. This figure is still quite high, especially at the elementary school and junior high school levels.

(Photo: The atmosphere of teaching and learning activities at Rumah Cita-cita)

For this reason, concrete steps are needed from all levels of society so that the dropout rate can be minimized. The Vocational Education Program at the Universitas Indonesia through the Student Executive Board (BEM) organizes the Rumah Cita-cita program as a work program from the Ministry of Social and Environment that focuses on teaching in academic and non-academic fields. Rumah Cita-cita program was held in Kali Adem, Muara Angke, North Jakarta by cooperating with the Remaja Kali Adem (REMKA) to invite children to study and get an education according to their level. Most of the residents of Kali Adem, Muara Angke live on the banks of the river which is an illegal area, causing the government to evicte the area many times. The high level of poverty there causes many children in each family to drop out of school.

More than 80 students from Kindergarten, Elementary and Junior High School participated in the Rumah Cita Cita program. “Seeing the high number of children dropping out of school which causes low education in Indonesia, UI Vocational BEM seeks to mobilize assistance in the form of providing education to these children in order to fulfill the education rights they need,” said Alyssa Amanda Putri, Project Officer of the UI Vocational Rumah Cita-cita program.

(Photo: The atmosphere of teaching and learning activities at Rumah Cita-cita)

The learning programs provided focus on academic fields, such as science subjects, mathematics, English, as well as non-academic fields, namely professional classes, creativity, and entrepreneurship. Alyssa added, “We hope that this program can be useful for these children to get an equal education. We have also held this program since last year and will become an annual program in the future.”

The assistance provided by UI Vocational BEM is not only a learning program, but also donations from the community in the form of goods that are useful for the continuity of teaching and learning activities in the learning house established by REMKA. After last year building a library, this time Vocational UI BEM also provided assistance in the form of additional facilities, such as mats, fans, and paranets to provide comfort at home.

(Photo: The atmosphere of teaching and learning activities at Rumah Cita-cita)

The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, really supports and appreciates the activities carried out by the UI Vocational BEM. Padang said, “I appreciate the program launched by UI Vocational BEM to help the environment, especially in the field of education. UI Vocational BEM exists as a student organization that has a positive impact on society.”

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