In order to support the coastal and marine conservation program, students, the Student Executive Board (BEM), and lecturers of the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program, have held a community service program entitled GERTAKAU (Gerakan Menanam Mangrove) or the mangrove planting movement for the past three years. In 2023, this program will be implemented on the coast of Pantai Bakti Village, Muara Gembong District, Bekasi Regency, West Java. UI Vocational planted around 2,500 mangrove seedlings along the coastline. This activity is a continuation of the same program in the previous year, where UI Vocational planted around 3,000 mangrove seedlings. Through this program, it is hoped that mangrove plants can grow and become mangrove forests that can be a good ecosystem on the coast and act as a filter for waste flowing from the river so that it is not directly dumped into the sea. This aims to make the sea water on the beach cleaner and can reduce coastal abrasion.

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