Depok-UI Vocational Education Program celebrates its 13th anniversary which falls on May 19 by holding an anniversary celebration on Wednesday (30/6). At the event, the Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo, DEA, introduced a new flagship program that will be held in the 2021/2022 academic year, namely the Applied Bachelor Program. “This program is held to meet the needs of the industrial world today which requires skilled and superior quality graduates,” he said, at the event which was broadcast live on the UI Vocational YouTube channel.

Different from undergraduate programs in general, the applied bachelor program focuses on preparing students to become practitioners according to their field of expertise. Therefore, the composition of the educational curriculum consists of practice by 60% and theory by 40%. Currently, there are six study programs that prospective students can take if they are interested in taking an Applied Bachelor program, namely the Creative Business, Media Production, Records and Archives Management, Tourism Business Management, Physiotherapy, and Occupational Therapy. According to Prof. Sigit, later the Disaster Management Study Program and the Tax Administration Study Program will also be part of the Applied Bachelor study program at the UI Vocational.

In his remarks, the Rector of Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., appreciates all the progress that has been made by the UI Vocational Education Program to date. “At the age of 13, we appreciate the various efforts of UI Vocational education to build quality human resources who are competent in their fields, with the principle of link and match between campus and industry. So much has been inscribed, starting from the curriculum, facilities, to massive collaboration with partners,” he said. He hopes that in the future, the UI Vocational Education Program will continue to develop while maintaining the quality of graduates.

Besides introducing this new program, UI Vocational at this event also presented Ir. Harmensyah, Dipl. S.E., M.M. (Acting Deputy for Prevention of the National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB)) who read a scientific oration entitled “The Role of Disaster Mitigation and Management in Indonesia”. In his presentation, he defined disaster mitigation as an effort or actions to minimize and reduce the impact of a disaster. “There are two forms of disaster mitigation, namely structural mitigation by building physical infrastructure and utilizing technology, and the second is non-structural mitigation through policies, regulations and activities,” he said.

According to him, universities can play a role in this disaster mitigation effort through several things, namely pentahelix collaboration by cooperating with the government and the private sector, practicing the tri dharma values ​​of higher education, and providing education to students related to disasters so that students become individuals who understand the disaster risk in the vicinity. UI Vocational’s plan to open an applied bachelor study program in Disaster Management is one of the efforts to build public awareness of this disaster.

UI Vocational was founded in Indonesia in 2008 by the Rector of UI for the 2007-2012 period, Prof. Dr. der Soz. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri through the Chancellor’s Decree Number 492/SK/R/UI/2008. With this decision, all associate degree programs that were previously spread across various faculties at UI, are united under one roof, namely the UI Vocational Program. In 2015, with the issuance of the Rector’s Decree numbered 2/13/SK/R/UI/2015, the name of the UI Vocational Program changed to the UI Vocational Education Program.

In addition to the applied bachelor program, the UI Vocational Education Program has several other excellent programs, including a certified industrial internship program in collaboration with a number of industries in Indonesia, a competency certification program, and a lecturer quality improvement program through certification in their respective fields. Currently, UI Vocational has 15 study programs consisting of 6 Applied Bachelor Study Programs and 9 Study Programs for the Associate Degree Program.

Study programs for associate degree include Insurance and Actuarial Administration, Financial and Banking Administration, Office Administration, Tax Administration, Accounting, Public Relations, Multimedia Broadcasting, Creative Advertising, and Hospital Administration. During the pandemic, learning is carried out using blended learning methods, so practice is still carried out in laboratories and other facilities on campus.[:]

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