Depok-Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program (PPV), which emphasizes applicative learning processes, held a community service workshop entitled “Horror Films as Indonesian Pop Culture”. Three filmmakers from MAGMA Entertainment, namely producer, Linda Gozali; director, Charles Ghozali; and creative director, Daniel Irawan, were present to share their knowledge and experiences at the workshop. The three of them collaborated on the film Qodrat which was released in 2022, and recorded a total audience of 1.7 million people.

(Photo: Discussion on the making of the pitch deck for community service of Media Production study program)

Based on data from (2022), nine of the 15 Indonesian films with the highest number of viewers are recorded as horror films. The local audience apparently has a great interest in horror films. With reference to these facts, the Media Production study program, PPV UI seeks to invite generation Z and millennials to know the behind-the-scenes process of making horror films through these community service workshops.

In his presentation, Daniel conveyed that pop culture has lasted for quite a long time and will be enjoyed by various groups. “Different from trends that only apply within a certain period of ten years or per decade, pop culture has a high impact on the environment. One example is horror films that are starting to be loved again by the people of Indonesia.”

(Photo: Daniel Irawan giving material about horror films)

MAGMA Entertainment producer discussed the relationship between Indonesian public interest in horror films and mystical or supernatural beliefs. Linda emphasizes the importance of having data before creating any work, especially films. The next stage of ideas and well-collected data is development. The development stage includes story ideas, target audience, and planning the medium that will be used to distribute the story.

Charles emphasized that every information at the development stage must be made and presented through the pitch deck. To the workshop participants, totaling 60 students accompanied by high school/vocational high school teachers throughout Greater Jakarta area, the filmmakers asked to make a pitch deck regarding film or media ideas that tell narratives of horror or magical stories.

(Photo: Charles Gazali during the Media Production study program workshop)

Some of the facilitators in this workshop were lecturers in the Media Production Study Program, namely Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom.; Dr. Rahmi Setiawati, M.Si.; Nailul Mona, S.I.Kom., M.Si.; and Margareta Manalu, M.Si., supported by Media Production students, assisted workshop participants in the production pitch decks on March 22, 2023. The participants are required to present the pitch deck in front of the facilitators. The three best groups received prizes from the MAGMA Entertainment Team.

Sriyono, a teacher at Paramitha Vocational School, expressed his joy at the invitation his school received to take part in the community service activities. “On behalf of the students, I feel that I have gained a lot of new knowledge in the world of film, especially since our school has a multimedia department,” said Sriyono.

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