Depok-Finance and Banking Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia (UI) visited the Investment Gallery of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (GI-BEI) Institut Bisnis dan Informatika (IBI) Kesatuan Bogor on 27 January 2022. This comparative study intended to provide a forum for students to study management, as well as the development of the Investment Gallery. It is done so that students and lecturers can be interested in being involved in Investment Gallery activities, both as investors and the Capital Market Study Group (KSPM). It was attended by the Head of the UI Vocational Banking and Financial Administration Study Program, Dede Suryanto, S. Sos., M.Si., Head of Investment Gallery IDX IBI Kesatuany, Yoyon Supriadi, SE., MM., CSA., CIB, lecturer of the UI Vocational Financial Administration and Banking study program, Vindaniar Yuristamanda Putri, S.I.A, M.M., Dean of the Faculty of Business IBI Kesatuan, Dr. Ratih Puspitasari, S.E., MBA., IBI Kesatuan Vocational Director, Adil Fadillah, SE., MM, Head of the Business Faculty Study Program and IBI Kesatuan Vocational Program, also UI Vocational students.

In this activity, Yoyon Supriadi, SE., MM., CSA., CIB explained about the history, organizational structure, vision and mission, strategies, activities carried out, and achievements that have been achieved by IBI Kesatuan’s Investment Gallery of the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

(Photo: UI Vocational Banking and Financial Administration Study Program Conducts Comparative Study to IBI Kesatuan’s Investment Gallery of the Indonesia Stock Exchange)

The UI Vocational Indonesia Stock Exchange Investment Gallery itself has been inaugurated since 2019. This Investment Gallery is an implementation of the collaboration between UI Vocational with the Indonesia Stock Exchange and PT Indopremier Sekuritas as a learning tool for students related to investment and the capital market.

With this comparative study activity, it is hoped that UI Vocational and IBI Kesatuan Bogory can provide mutual benefits to each other in terms of developing Investment Galleries at each university.

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