Depok-The Paragita Student Choir (PSM) of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) has won First Place in the 2024 National Student Choir Competition (LPSMN). The competition, which was organized by the Indonesian Talent Development Center, National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek RI), was held at Universitas Sam Ratulangi on July 1-4, 2024. PSM UI Paragita managed to outperform 34 finalists from various other universities in Indonesia.
On that occasion, PSM UI Paragita performed three songs, including the mandatory song “Merah Putih” (worked by Gombloh and arranged by Dr. Singgih Sanjaya); the pop song “Rembulan” (worked by Adjie Soetama Addie MS and arranged by Andriano Alvin); and the regional song “Mana Lolo Banda” (a regional song from Rote, East Nusa Tenggara and arranged by Arga Rakasiwi).
(Photo: PSM UI Paragita’s performance at the 2024 National Student Choir Competition)
During their journey, the members of PSM UI Paragita have been preparing for the competition since February, so they have to divide their time between lectures, organizations, and choir practice. “To complete each activity, we use a priority scale. Of course, we do not forget our main activities as students. Lectures, assignments, and practice are our main priorities,” said Clara Jovita Putri, a member of PSM UI Paragita who is also a student of the Creative Business study program, UI Vocational Education Program.
She added that the most felt sacrifice was the time and energy drained to carry out various activities. However, the struggle paid off and PSM UI Paragita managed to get the top position in the competition. In addition to Clara, another UI Vocational student who is also a member of PSM UI Paragita is Marina Gloria Ronaully Gultom.
(Photo: (L-R) Clara Jovita Putri Marina Gloria Ronaully Gultom, Creative Business study program students)
Marina said, “We hope that this achievement can be used as an experience and encouragement for other Paragita friends to continue to achieve more. Even to the international arena to make Paragita and UI proud in the future.”
PSM UI Paragita is one of the Student Activity Unit (UKM) engaged in the field of choir. The UKM, which was founded on August 29, 1983 by AG. Sudibyo, Drs. Max Rukmarata, and Liliek Sugiarto, has made various achievements in national and international events. Some time ago, Paragita UI just presented a musical performance entitled “Musikal Merantau: Sebuah Kantata Perjalanan Kalibrasi Diri” at the Taman Ismail Marzuki Grand Theater, Central Jakarta in celebration of its 40th anniversary in the world of Indonesian choirs.
(Photo: Clara conducts the performance of PSM UI Paragita at the 2024 National Student Choir Competition)
Director of UI Padang Vocational Education Program Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, said that the achievements achieved by Clara and Marina together with PSM UI Paragita are one form of a forum for students to learn. According to him, every achievement obtained by UI students gives pride to the alma mater, both in academic and non-academic fields.
“UI’s role is to continue to support the potential and uniqueness of every student who has the desire to work. We also strive for them to be superior in every field. The ultimate goal of every learning, whether honing soft skills or hard skills, is to benefit society,” said Padang.