Chief of PCI UI: Dr. Rahmi Setiawati, S.Sos., M.Si.
The UI Vocational Education Program realizes that the importance of Graduates Competency Certification. Certificate of Competence Graduates will greatly contribute to the implementation of exploration and exploitation of resources, so the synergy of various stakeholders both from education and industry is needed.
In connection with these conditions, a professional certification institute, hereinafter abbreviated as LSP P-1 UI, is established as an implementing agency for professional certification activities that obtains a license from BNSP after fulfilling the requirements stipulated to carry out LSP Universitas Indonesia work competency certification. This is according to the explanation of Government Regulation PerMenakertrans No. PER. 21 / MEN / X / 2007 concerning Procedures for Determination of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards, PerMenakertrans No.PER-17 / MEN / VI / 2007 concerning Licensing Procedures and Registration of Job Training Institutions and Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia No. KEP-96A / MEN / VI / 2004 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation and Accreditation of Professional Certification Institutions.
The establishment of LSP Universitas Indonesia was the arm of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) and was given the task of carrying out work competency certification on behalf of BNSP.
Unit Activities carried out by the UI Professional Certification Institute are conducting student competency certification and for developing human resources LSP UI conducts competency assessor training and licensing assessor. For the development of competency certification, LSP collaborates with industry and government agencies to always produce schemes that are in line with the demands and needs of global and international markets, so that the competency certificates given to students and the UI LSP network have the quality of human resources capable of competing with the global labor market. . This is in accordance with the LSP UI Vision:
“Creating a superior and sustainable Professional Certification Institution, and producing human resources who are competent in their fields, so they are able to compete in the face of challenges in the job market both at national and international levels”
LSP UI will become a Professional Certification Institution that is continually with strategic steps to make institutions that carry out competency certification that are able to compete in the world of work in the global labor market, both nationally and internationally.
In practice LSP UI provides several schemes that are ready to be tested, including:
Profile of LSP UI in an effort to provide added value for UI students to obtain competency certificates in their respective Professional fields that are recognized nationally and internationally.
In the implementation of UI LSP, the management of UI LSP will hold the certification implementation independently or the decisions issued are not influenced by any party, both from UI universities and other stakeholders.
With the existence of the LSP UI, it is expected to be able to encourage the competence of UI students to meet the minimum national competency standards that have been established, so that the certificate can be used to face MEA and HR needs at the National and International levels.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]