Depok-Students of the Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) took part in a game certification held by Google Play x Unity Game Developer Training for approximately six months (January to June 2023) online. The ten students, namely Nathaniel Ebenezer Pantun, Gibran Fuad Naufal, Dawsan Nomero Maulando, Salsabila Rakhfi, Omar Xavier Uthman, Fahreza Alif Saputra, Aura Maudina, Fikri Hasan, Yoga Aditya Pratama, and Rifqi Raditya Dewangga. The training program, which collaborates with the Indonesian Game Association, provides Unity training and certification to 500 students at more than 14 universities and 50 Indonesian professional developers. Unity is a game engine that is often used by game developers to build games, both on Android and iOS.

The Media Production Study Program, which has the scope of learning in Game Media Production, is one of the universities that receives this international training and certification free of charge. Students study training material online independently (self-paced learning) and take the Unity certification exam at the end of the program (PearsonVue). Certifications that can be chosen by students, namely Certified Associate: Game Developer; Certified Associate: Artist; and Certified Associate: Programmer. This certification can be used as one of the provisions for Media Production students when they are about to enter the game industry.

Head of the Media Production Study Program, Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, M.I.Kom., said that this certification was very beneficial for Media Production students. “In addition to getting a free Unity license, training is also provided to students according to the expected game industry skills, as well as game certifications that are recognized globally,” explained Rangga.

The Media Production Study Program, which is a member of the Indonesian Game Association, continues to strive to provide a platform for students to hone their skills in the field of games. “Media Production will continue to be consistent in developing learning game media production, strengthening partnerships with the Indonesian Game Association and the game industry, and prioritizing competency certification for students to become professional game developers so they can compete globally, especially in the game industry,” said Rangga.

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