Depok-Public Relations (PR) study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), held the annual PRAction 2024 event, which opened on April 23, 2024 with the theme “communiAction: Bridging Culture, Building Partnership.” The PRAction event series starts from April to May 2024. PRAction 2024 is a competition event that aims to utilize the power of communication in overcoming the challenges of cultural diversity and building strategic collaboration domestically.

Series of grand opening activities which was held offline presented two speakers, namely Tabitha Christabela Napitulu, S.Ikom., Puteri Indonesia Sumatera Utara 2023 and Emmy Kuswandari, IAPR., Corporate Communication Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) Group. The event was opened by Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., Ph.D, Vice Director for UI Vocational Education, Research and Student Affairs, who said that the activity discussed important themes related to cultural diversity and the importance of intercultural communication. “PRAction is an opportunity for students to show their achievements to more than 150 participants from various regions in Indonesia, including university students and high school students and the equivalent. In the future, I hope that PRAction can be upgraded to an international level competition,” said Deni.

(Photo: Tabitha explaining Batak culture to the audience)

Tabitha, in her presentation with the theme “Storynomics of Batak Culture: Government PR Strategy to Strengthen Promotion of Lake Toba Tourism”, wanted to introduce the Lake Toba tourist attraction which is one of the main assets of North Sumatra and a cultural asset recognized as a Global Geopark by UNESCO since 2020 to the public. “As Puteri Indonesia, I will continue to advance the Toba Caldera as an asset for Indonesia and the world with green card status,” said Tabitha. She also illustrated that intercultural communication can be used to introduce and promote Batak culture, especially the Lake Toba tourist spot, to local and international communities. She also shared her experiences and promotional strategies that she had carried out to advance North Sumatra culture and tourism.

On the other hand, Emmy, who is a public relations practitioner with 17 years of experience in the world of public relations, presented material about “Mobile and Orchestra”. She highlighted the importance of literacy in the digital era. She said, “Literacy is not just the ability to read, write, count, but also as a life skill for prosperity.” The material presented explains the four basic competencies that a publicist must have and the importance of literacy in today’s digital era. Reading and writing literacy is still very necessary in understanding, creating and communicating using digital technology.

Emmy also explained the importance of collaboration which is the key for public relations practitioners to approach society, especially Indonesian society with various different ethnicities and cultures. Collaboration that is carried out also needs to apply the 5Rs, namely: read, research, reliable, reflect, and w(R)ite. A good survey will make it easier for public relations practitioners to communicate messages effectively to the public.

(Photo: Emmy introduces the concept of critical thinking in communication)

By raising themes that are relevant and important in the current era, PRAction 2024 is expected to provide new insight and information that is useful for participants, as well as being a milestone in building a better understanding of cultural diversity and the importance of communication in overcoming differences. PRAction ensures that the enthusiasm and excitement does not stop here, because there is still a grand closing which will be held on May 21, 2024.

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