Depok-Creative works are the manifestation of a person’s imagination and skills which can be in the form of fine arts, such as paintings; sculptures; drawings; and performing arts, such as dance, theater, to short films and feature films. In creating a creative work, a person can develop an idea that is different from existing works.

Meanwhile, creative works can be created through stories that someone encounters in everyday life. One of them is a short film entitled Alif Pengen Punya Pacar, Yuli Pengen Dibonceng Ngabers (2023) by Fazrie Permana, a writer and film director, which was screened at the Vocast Talks seminar series of the Multimedia Broadcasting study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI). The Vocast Talks seminar series entitled “Building Personal Experience into Memorable Storytelling” was held at the UI Vocational Auditorium some time ago.

Fazrie explained that a film can be built through a personal story that is relevant to the current social situation. “In a film script there are three acts and a climax. The development starts from the issues that are developing in society today. After getting the big theme, we can develop and observe the setting, as well as the character. Then, the conflict that we want to build, the challenges faced by the character, and how to resolve it,” said Fazrie.

In the film Alif Pengen Punya Pacar, Yuli Pengen Dibonceng Ngabers, Fazrie raises several issues that are relevant to society. Starting from the setting at Dukuh Atas Station, Jakarta, the main male character otaku (someone who really likes Japanese popular culture), the main female character Citayam who is currently viral on TikTok, to the use of the term ngabers (a slang term referring to a group of people who call others “ngab”).

He added, “Various aspects that are close to the community will add additional points from the audience. They will feel the message that wants to be conveyed through the film is very personal and increase the audience’s curiosity more deeply.” Fazrie gave several examples of films that are raised from social issues, such as Lost in Translation (2003) and Her (2013) about romantic relationships, divorce, and loneliness, as well as the films Minari (2020), Shoplifters (2018), and Still Walking (2008) about family.

(Photo: Awarding of appreciation certificate to Fazrie after the seminar session ended)

Director of UI Vocational Education Program Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, said that this seminar provided many new learnings for participants in developing a creative work. “I hope that this event can be the first step for many participants who want to develop their potential in the creative industry, especially in the world of film. I am also sure that the young people who attended can become successful filmmakers in the future in the film industry,” said Padang.

Some of Fazrie Permana’s other short films are Kita Tak Bisa Kemana Mana Lagi (2022), The Inevitable Tiring Situation (2019), and I Love Manchester United and My Veil (2010).

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