Depok-Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia (UI) has an Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program, a study program that prepares and produces certified professional insurance intermediate and actuarial experts. In this study program, graduates are prepared to be able to apply actuarial knowledge, statistics, and economics in the insurance, pension funds, and finance industries.

In this study program, there are six types of professions most frequently entered by graduates, namely underwriters, claims administration, actuaries, brokers, financial planners, and insurance marketing. The Insurance and Actuarial field is a choice of study programs with a promising profession for high school/vocational high school graduates. The increasing trend in the use of insurance shows that the Indonesian public’s understanding of insurance is getting better. With a population of Indonesia reaching 268 million people in 2019, the insurance industry has the opportunity to get a large enough potential market to work on. Insurance penetration for the Indonesian population has reached 6.6%.

The Head of the Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program, Asrori, MA., FLMI said that, “Students in this study program will study for 3 years at Vocational UI to get the Associate Expert title. Vocational UI runs a 3:2:1 curriculum, where students for 3 semesters study concepts and practices on campus, 2 semesters study in industry, and 1 semester of internship in industry. With this method, when they graduate, they already have sufficient experience. Evidently, our graduates have worked within a maximum period of 3 months after graduating,” Asrori explained.

Furthermore, Asrori explained that the curriculum and syllabus of the Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program have followed or are in line with the curriculum and syllabus of the Indonesian Insurance Management Expert Association (AAMAI), the Indonesian Actuary Association (PAI), and the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) so that graduates are no longer has a significant gap with industry demands.

The Head of the Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program Laboratory, Yulial Hikmah, S.Si., M.Si. stated that the tracer study shows that there are six professions that become careers for study program graduates. First, the underwriter is in charge of assessing the risk when receiving a prospective customer. Second, claims administration which is in charge of assisting the administration of the customer claims process as well as monitoring and monitoring the claims analysis process. Then, the actuary profession is very popular, helping to calculate premium contributions and calculate company reserves. Fourth, brokers, who are also highly desirable and have great opportunities, play a role in helping prospective customers select the products they need and adjust. Fifth, financial planner, which is needed by the community to project and compile a financial strategy. Sixth, insurance marketing, which is the spearhead for educating and dealing directly with customers.

In addition, each graduate is guided to have a professional certificate, including the Adjunct Indonesia Life Insurance Expert (AAAIJ) and the Indonesian Life Insurance Expert (AAIJ), the Indonesian Loss Insurance Expert Adjunct Expert (AAAIK) and the Indonesian Loss Insurance Expert (AAIK), the Associate Societies Actuary Indonesia (ASAI), Certificate in General Insurance (CGI) and Certificate in Life Insurance (CLI), Certificate of The Malaysian Insurance Institute (CMII) – Life and Certificate of The Malaysian Insurance Institute (CMII) – General, and Underwriting Insurance Level 5 from LSP UI.

“Of the many professional certifications, students must be able to pass 3 modules of the certification exam. The rest is their choice,” said Yulial. “If the insurance and actuarial diploma graduates are able to have at least two of these certifications, then the salaries of graduates are guaranteed to be the same, even greater than those of bachelor graduates,” Asrori added.

Prospective new students can register through Prestasi dan Pemerataan Kesempatan Belajar (PPKB) pathway and the SIMAK UI written exam (information:[:]

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