Jogja Medical Center is a business unit based on Jalan Gondangraya No.17 Condongcatur Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Jogja Medical Center is engaged in health, psychological services and therapy. Currently, you need professional staff for one of your divisions, the child development division. For that we need occupational therapists who have the following qualifications:
- Minimum education D3
- Have Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR)
- Fresh graduate / experienced
- Be able to work together as a team
- Discipline, honest, and responsible
- Friendly, and able to communicate well
- Yogyakarta placement
Application documents are sent to email
Up: Ms. Ayu Anindyta, S.Si
CP: 08112954800
Application files are sent until August 18, 2019
Give the code on the application letter envelope and provide information in the application letter for the position in question, namely Occupational Therapist (TO)