Depok-Human Computer Interaction & Creative Technology (HCI-CT) is a discipline that studies the interaction between humans and computer technology, including the design, evaluation, and implementation of user interfaces. In today’s rapidly developing digital era, HCI-CT plays a crucial role in ensuring that technology can be used by its users effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily.

Seeing this phenomenon, the Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), held a concentration that focuses on the development of HCI-CT. One of them is through the creation of the Society for People-centric Interaction and Computer Excellence (SPICE), as an initiative that aims to become a center of excellence in research, development, and application of interactive and creative technology.

SPICE, built in the form of a mini studio, will produce technology-based projects by students that focus on improving interactions between humans and computers to be applied directly to the wider community. Head of the Media Production Study Program, Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, M.I.Kom., said that SPICE will provide a learning experience that focuses on several areas, such as user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX), software and chatbot development, artificial intelligence, Web-3 technology, and Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR), as well as data engineering.

“With the many fields of technology studied in the HCI-CT concentration, SPICE will develop application development that is tailored to user needs, ethical and useful application of artificial intelligence technology, and creative and inspiring exploration of new media,” said Rangga.

He further said that several courses taught in the HCI-CT concentration are also diverse, starting from Front-End Engineering to explore user interface development; Chatbot Programming and Development which focuses on designing interactive chatbot; Machine Learning, which integrates advanced technology with Web-3 innovation; Programming that is oriented towards data management and processing; and others.

Meanwhile, Rangga mentioned a number of industry practitioners who also contributed as teachers. Among them, the UI-UX stream, Dr. Eunice Sari and Micho Gunawan, M.M., who facilitated learning interaction design. Then, the AR and VR stream, taught by Stephen Ng, MIM., MITR., MIR. and Alexander Tendo A., M.A.B. Meanwhile, the programming field was filled by Jasson Harsojo, M.M., and the Web-3 stream that shared insights related to cutting-edge technology was given by Wafa Taftazani, M.B.A.

“Also, there are many other lecturers who contribute to this HCI-CT concentration. We strive to provide the best teachers from various HCI-CT industries so that students get a comprehensive education that is relevant to the needs of society,” said Rangga.

(Photo: Benchmarking activities to Microsoft Indonesia carried out by Media Production students in order to develop the laboratory)

He added that SPICE comes with a big vision to become a technology connector that is beneficial to the wider community. In 2024, SPICE succeeded in becoming one of the recipients of an entrepreneurship grant by the Directorate of UI Student Affairs. This grant funding is part of SPICE’s strategic efforts to increase capacity in presenting innovations that have a real positive impact on society.

In addition, this support is also directed to strengthen the technology infrastructure, develop a competent team, and build a solid strategic partnership, to ensure the sustainability of products and services that SPICE develops in the future. Along the way, SPICE has created several products that focus on web and mobile applications to be designed according to client needs. Among them, Cookpad (an online platform that provides various recipes, cooking tips, and a community for sharing culinary experiences); Konsul-in Aja (a digital platform for consulting health problems with professional psychologists); and Garments Sustainable or Garstable (an online thrift store for a number of used, vintage, and similar clothes).

“In order to develop competency in this field, they will continue to improve their abilities through various courses and learning in the industry. Several companies that have been used as company visit locations include Google, Microsoft, WIR Group, IBM Indonesia, and others. The existence of SPICE is also expected to provide real contributions to society, considering that the current digital era cannot be separated from collaboration between humans and computers. Thus, competency in the field of HCI-CT will be greatly needed in today’s and future industries,” said Rangga.

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