Depok-A total of 45 students of the Public Relations (PR) study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), took part in a study visit to the ‘heart’ of the government of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the State Secretariat. The visit was accompanied by two lecturers from the Public Relations study program, namely Jojo Suharjo Nugroho, M.Sos., CCM, CPR, who is also the Founder and CEO of ImajinPR & Research, and Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si., who is also the Head of the UI Public Relations and KIP Bureau. Taking place on April 25, 2024 in the Central Jakarta area,this visit aims to deepen students’ understanding of the dynamics of government operations, the policy making process, and the strategic role of public relations in the State Secretariat.

(Photo: Atmosphere of UI Vocational student company visit activities at the State Secretariat)

On this occasion, students received exposure from Faisal Fahmi, Associate Expert Public Relations Officer at the State Secretariat, about various aspects of work within the State Secretariat, starting from public communication to coordination between institutions and the legislative process. On the other hand, students are also given an understanding of the importance of effective communication in formulating, implementing and communicating a policy.

Amelita underlined the importance of the visit. She said, “This is a significant first step to strengthen collaboration between government and the academic world. We are confident that this activity will become the foundation for closer cooperation in the future, both in the field of education and teaching, as well as other fields.”

Another focus of the visit was the importance of active community involvement in the policy-making process and teaching students to transform into agents of change that have a positive impact. The discussions that were built not only provided new insights, but also encouraged students to consider their role in shaping the future.

(Photo: Giving souvenirs from UI Vocational to the State Secretariat)

Head of the Public Relations Study Program, Mareta Maulidiyanti, S.Sos., M.M., said that the study visit experience would enrich students’ knowledge and practical skills, as well as prepare them to face broader global challenges. “With experiences like this, students hope to continue collaborating with the government sector to create a generation of future leaders who are strong and competent,” said Mareta.

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